415s30 (ง •̀_•́)づ)˚з°)

Because it was cool, oh man I remember my Trapper Keepers! 

I vote for Sean Young

The non stop touchy feely, whispery heart to heart talks on Disco are making me crazy. 

I just want them to stop filling half the show with touchy feely chats about their feelings. 

If they add any more touchy feely whispery chats to this show it will turn into Dawson’s Creek. I think half of this episode was taken up by that crap.

They need to stop the touchy feely hug scenes, it feels like half the episode sometimes. 

They got rid of Oppositelock and I know they got ideas from us. I can remember times we posted something obscure and the next day a front page article was about the exact thing. 


Is the, “takes a pair” implying they have some big nuts? Oh and they should totally do Tailspin. Oh and Seth is in it, this was made to be watched high as hell. 

Crush all the vehicles and arrest them, I’m tired of all the idiots in the USA as well. 

The oldest sport with a complete written record of the results is sumo. 

It always looks like they just race on parking lots. I can’t get into it. 

You bet your shiny metal ass it does!

I’m curious what the Tremor version will be like. 

Yeah that is my hope with that show. Brave new worlds sounds like blazing a trail out there, at least I hope so. 

Yeah my boosted coworker got it and they said it was worse than the worst flu year they ever had. I had the flu one year that took two weeks to get over, I didn’t like that.

Yeah, with a delay so they get to seven seasons at least. And a new Stargate show while we are at it. 

They could always do the reverse and assign a ship to go to some mysterious part of the universe on a long mission, I’m down for that.