
I say fuck it, let the kids watch youtube, twitch, and play video games indefinitely. It is clear that there is no accountability in America, so why bother trying to achieve anything? No one saves, companies certainly don’t, but they get free money from the government (our tax money). Debt is KING!’

Code for the garage LED light doesn’t work.

Code for the garage LED light doesn’t work.

No one needs any of this shit. However, hyper-consumption is built into the American psyche, which is why I pre-ordered Disney+ for 3 years just two save a few bux a month.  Having said that, I totally understand what you are trying to convey, but honestly, American’s are too selfish and too stupid to get it.  Sept a

No one needs any of this shit. However, hyper-consumption is built into the American psyche, which is why I

Im done with all third party sites.  Sure it might make it easier, but in the long run you suffer.  I was booking a trip to deeznuts land and the flight cost was hidden from me.  After booking, I got charged 528 twice (two passengers) for flights from oakland to john wayne.  Turns out, jetblue was passing me off to

Who sources these deals?  This is the second time I have looked at deals from this blog only to find out the price you mention is not correct.  The bike front light and tail light, is not 30 on amazon, its 60.  Click bait?

Who sources these deals?  This is the second time I have looked at deals from this blog only to find out the price

LAWLS what a fucking tool. See this shit in the gym all the time.


Wow you wanted to nerf my comment.. No wonder you got bodied in Smash. Go play COD bruh.

sounds like you got rekt.  Move on.org babee!

Gruden is fucking trash as are my beloved raiders.  May they go into Vegas winless sacks of shit and continue that way.  Might they become the new Lions of the West Coast.  Fuck the raiders, fuck Davis, fuck Gruden. #Raiderfan

Honestly when was the last good film Ferrell has done?  Blades of Glory?  Both of these motherfuckers have jumped the shark, especially Ferrell.

Should he eat it like groceries?  If he did, would he have to pay a royalty to Omarion?

Which is why i finished the short campaign and then sold that shit this past weekend for $25 in credit at GameStop. The wait for matches, the bugs, the this the that, it was not ready. Maps are garbage as well.

So if you did the freeze the day after, how can you be compensated for that? Assholes..seriously.

A fucking gree.. Dude is a fucking douche. Our kids are fucked if this is their idea of entertainment. Mental fucking midgets.

When you get this procedure done, which I did, you CLEARLY know it has been done. You are awake when they do it, you can smell the burning. The doc that did mine, he didn’t wait long enough for the numbing agent to kick in on my first nut. When he made the cut with the hot iron, I fucking felt it. He said “Oops,

We find out later ,via Maury Povich, that the father of the children is actually Warren Sapp. 

Fuckin redneck pigs..

How about just kick them in the balls? That should stop the baby talk.

Why did i even click on this.