
OMG I bet my daughter follows this fucking tool. Problem is, this is 99% of “Social” media right now and our young people are eating it up. Why? No fucking clue, but the shit is going to be the downfall of the younger generations. I love it, he says bigger fish to fry, people getting shot everyday.. um

It’s a total clusterfuck and or a cash grab. Total PASS on this POS set up. Who uses WIRES today? Honestly. WTF was nintendont thinking.

Omg that shit show. Never interested in watching it. No idea who does.

na it was shit.

I think hotones is about to jump the shark. It’s getting old already. Having said that, I would agree, his performance on that show was Yogi Bearish.

Agree. Loud noises and stupid faces, is he a prop comic now with the water bottles? I didn’t find that funny at all. Dude’s a clown.

That stand up specials are coming out more and more frequently for all comics, and the majority of them have like five minutes of entertainment. Chappel’s shit is great, but anything else, I can hardly remember I even watched it.

Pete Holmes. His latenight show was shit, his show on HBO is good, but his podcast..fucking horrible.. 2 hours, who has two hours to listen to him and someone else yap about bullshit.

I tolerated his persona on the show, but his podcast (if he still has it) is horrible, and his latest stand-up on HBO was a fucking shit show. Maybe I’m too old to understand him, but TJ Miller is not a rising star in the comedy business or Hollywood. He was out promoting some movie about fucking emojis?

It’s ok.. We played the test demos, and played it a Nintendos Summer of Play tour. Considering the lack of games for the Switch, this was a no brainer for us, but it’s a game of waiting and range. When I play online, I jump and evade a lot, wait for them to throw a punch and then grab them. The grab is OP. I love

CAN NOT WAIT. Love all his films.

She did to back to work

Like this one?

I unlocked everything in the WII U version, and let me tell you, the GD time trials against nintendo employees was a bitch on the WII U, on the Deluxe/switch, it was simple except for two tracks.

GO GO GO! I bought the grey one when it was in stock a few weeks ago from Walmart. Been playing Mario Kart, that’s about it. Hoping they get some real games soon.

GO GO GO! I bought the grey one when it was in stock a few weeks ago from Walmart. Been playing Mario Kart, that’s

Murica...entertained by this bullshit..

すけべな奴かなー。 信じられない本当に。。。 マスするねえぞ!

I only heard/got into Smash because of my son. I destroy kids (literally children and their parents at arcades) at Street Fighter, because I grew up on that. Smash, however, my son pwns the fuck out of me, and I am working to get better. He loves Ally and so I tell him I am Team Zero, and we battle, but he’s far

I wonder what Davis is going to do now for his haircuts? I read here, that he drives all the way to Redding or some fucking ridiculously far place to get his bowl cut from his favorite barber? Love the Raiders, have since I was born, was in the booster club in the 80's, but honestly Oakland stadium is a shit show.

Raider fan here, but SEE YA FUCKING LATER! Get out, along with the Warriors, so we can have less congested freeway traffic. Will not miss them, will be able to watch them, will never go to their new stadium. Going to Raiders games, as it is now, is a shit show and not worth it unless you got money to burn.