
I love the snap filters with my kids too, and I hope we are close as they grow up! I just find it really interesting how parenthood has changed in just the last 20 years or so and just within my own family!

Todays youth looove their parents - no joke, I’m 16 and 18 years old than my early 20's sisters and they considered our mom one of their BFF’s. Twenty plus years ago I couldn’t wait to get the fuck outta her house! Shes basically the same women and yes I’m a little more jaded and mean than my sisters, but youth

I’m gonna need that recipe!

Aw thanks! *sends kisses*

Well I’m glad you guys are all so super popular that you are fending off invites! I would love to for once go out and have a expensive miserable time :D Alas, I’ve been a mom since 22, broke every post Christmas since and have no friends!

My 6 year old howled for a strawberry “squishy” I’m like “kid, its a stressball in a fun shape!?” That went over her head and I was like fuck it, better a $4 strawberry than some of the other shit she had her greedy little eyes on.

Mabel was such an untrendy name - nowadays no one would blink an eye!

Right?! I just stared at that photo for 5 mins trying to figure out what the hell I’m looking at?! Is that bear real, are those red ornaments real?

These are all my people, no ones know I’m 1/2 black just like most of these guys except they are all really hot- me, not so much! :D

I’m the same way I can blend in most places, people will assume all sorts of things about me - except being 1/2 black!

This is my husband, he is a 1/4 Chinese and is blonde with green eyes, I’m 1/2 white and 1/2 black and most people including black folks have no idea. I think because I was raised “white” and from Canada (I’m in the US now) so the main black influence I was around was black Caribbeans (which my father is) and my hair,

“These disgusting pastels & beiges that are so popular now makes everyone look like they’re wearing Band Aids.”

My kids are 6 and 9, I told my husband just go see it without me, getting a sitter was going to be too much of a pain. I’ll watch it on demand or maybe see it myself this weekend if its still around..

Agreed this is what is happening in many schools in San Francisco, many of the parents who can afford to live in the city are keeping their kids in public school ( note -the type of parent who lives for the social climbing aspect of private will always stay private) and are very involved in the PTA, fundraising ect

But wouldn’t that make Stephen Bear king!? :D

“I’m Molly Matilda, and I’m a big-time influencer. I’m also a boss babe, a hustler, and, if someday I find myself short on content, I feel I could very easily become a mom.”

Could be a language thing too, I’m from Montreal living in the US and at first my husband was going to move to be with me and then we realized although it would be easier paperwork, the learning french to be at the level he would need a for litigation support would be too much.

I feel like I’ve had a similar experience to you, I can’t recall being sexually harassed although I’ve been working in primarily female work places and probably that has helped. I have been made to feel like I wasn’t worthy of the male gaze and have been the target of their anger - when I’d make a smart ass comment at

Same with Sleepers, he was so creepy in that.

Forget Skippy, I wanna know what Nick “My Demon Lover” Moore thinks! (I totally had to google that last name)