
Holy shit I remember watching this too. I also remember thinking aw look how fun and flirty he’s being- I was very naive at that point. :(

Thanks for that info, I really wasn’t sure and yes I know I could have googled it! :)

Child care is such a huge thing - you want to pay providers a decent wage so they can live and that can mean $15-$20 an hour (at least in big cities) however that can be a huge expense for a resident (I would assume that they don’t make much?). You can get the government involved like Canada where I’m originally from

What do you expect from “Coke Mom” as she is known in blind gossip items.

I really love this comment, maybe its because I had my first at 22 ( I’m now 40) and I’m gonna be honest, living in the Bay Area I stick out like a sore thumb. Most days it sure does seem like everyone had a perfectly planned life plan and I’m now just catching up with everyone. I wish I had had those K bucks as a

Has anyone else read the blind items talking about she’s the one who has been spearheading this whole relationship, hooking up, getting married, getting pregnant? The kind of “star” who shows up for envelope opening.. I’m shocked that this story is the opposite of what I’ve been reading about behind the scenes!

I’m in the same boat but am married/have kids and am surrounded by people I have nothing in common with except kids the same age. :/

Aw man, I’m sorry. :( that has happened to me a few times however they were parties for my kids which just killed me to see my kids so sad. Im in SF and people are morons here too. I do wonder if this idea that everyone thinks that everyone else has all these friends causes people to think “oh they won’t even notice

I totally agree with you. (I always comment on the writers post since I am the opposite of her - I was born in Montreal and now live in the US, and I experienced motherhood in both places.)

I have a teen as well and its true most of the jobs around us are going to college students, hell even I worked retail! Hiring under aged kids isn’t worth it to many places when they have to pay $13/$14 an hour.

Ugh today there is!

I straight up bought myself a kids sweatshirt at Zara a few weeks ago! Not sure what that says about my taste level but “adult” clothes are just so staid - although what I bought, a back crew neck sweatshirt with stars on the shoulders doesn’t seem that out there.

Everytime I got into Gap Kids I’m like, why can’t they make this stuff for adults?!

Oh man this song!!!

Hah! :D

40 here and live in SF with 3 crotch fruit - there are kids here, just gotta look underneath the fog. :D

I worked at a kids clothing store in the US - we had very clear boys and girl sections for older kids, for babies we would have a neutral line and people would always ask or make comments “you can’t put gray on a girl”, “yellow is too girly for my grandson”, “orange isn’t pretty for baby girl” :/

I love Brit reality tv - those accents, those clothes, the wonderful way they curse each other out!

Giving Canadians a bad name!

That movie was awesome - as a kid I thought that movie was a road map to how to achieve my own success.