
It’s widely believed that the English don’t actually have tastebuds.

My boyfriend picked up my fabric scissors to open a package a few months ago and in retrospect he might not have needed to hear quite so much about ever ruined pair of fabric scissors I’ve ever owned to get my point but boy, he really gets it now!

As a quilter and sewer I literally assumed this was going to be drama of someone using someone else’s fabric scissors on non fabric and I want you to know that in my head I thought war was FULLY justified just based on that.

Now playing

You can still listen to the original, which is better anyway

It is a good cover. He transitioned from punk to dance like Jon Lydon did, but Moby did everything that could to ruin his own cred in about 2 years. 

Brad Pitt was roommates with Jason Priestly during 90210, so his geeking out over Luke Perry seems weird.

Ugh, I like that song though...

He is.

Imagine Dragons is 10000000000% this generation’s Nickleback. 

This entire comment section is a head-spinning menagerie of checked-out 30-something sports bro hot takes on twenty first century music popular and otherwise, and I’ve been so aghast at every stance everyone here has taken that I barely know how to even start making sense of any of it. But this take... this take is

I’m older than you, and at least partially agree with your overall thesis regarding post-2003 rock, but you are very, very wrong about Queens of the Stone Age. 

I’m upset, because I, too, am an awful person, but I’m not getting paid for it.

Twist: It will be revealed that Jax lied about buying the house and unbeknownst to Brittney, they have actually been squatting in an Ikea for eight months. No one gets a house in the divorce but Brittney gets a lucrative sponcon deal for Ikea’s swedish meatballs.

I called the cops on Deadspin when they banned me way back when, and the police just told me that I was actually in a Wendy’s so I got a baconator and everything was fine.

Oh Legolas was extremely hot. Orlando Bloom was ....disappointing. 

My dad had a Tom Selleck stache for until I was 15, and it was really disorienting when he shaved it off.  It took a good 5 years until my mental picture of him updated itself to his new cleanly shaven look.  

I think its the hair partly. Reminds me of Orlando Bloom - my first awareness of him was in Lord of the Rings - Legalos with the white long hair was kind of hot? But Orlando Bloom... not hot. John Snow with the long hair pulled back, beard and wearing animals furs is hot... Kit is so so.

Its muffins or cereal... the days of yogurt and berries are kind of out the window. 

lol....we moms all knew..... and it’s totally fine!