
This song made me as a kid want to grow up and work in an office in a big US city so I could party on Friday and all weekend.

I want to give you all the stars.

I knew a toxic woman as well who did/does this- flips shit, I’m pretty sure I hate the whole concept just because of her.

Yeah there has been a lot of blind gossip bits about them -sad that they look to be true.

That episode is why I never let my kids run with toothbrushes in their mouths!

I know right?! I found my people here! 20/20 -Fridays at 10 -like where the hell was I going? Dates? Parties? Fun? Hah.

“He’s got a lot of irons in the fire, yet none of them seem to be hot.”

I’m in SF too, I’m sure there are places...but yeah when I figured out the whole adding another quarter to get a bit of extra time, my life was changed! I say this as someone with 3 kids and constant laundry.

This. So much this.

I knew that was coming.

I’m biracial as well but most people don’t know I have any black in me :/ I have wavy/curly hair like old school Mariah Carey and am about the same skin tone, yet I have features like Stacey Mckenzie. I do not fit into the pretty light skin biracial woman category, growing up I was told I’m ugly many, many times,

That would be great- there is so much hand wringing over what dolls like Barbie do to girls development yet there never seems to be a discussion over “superheroes / robots / soldiers / monsters / aliens / killing machines” toys do to boys development.

Turning 40 as well this year. I have no point in telling you that- I just wanted you to know! :D

I’m pretty sure I saw Ann from season 3 on the packaging for Bravado maternity bras!

I remember watching Lettermen and the lead singer of Blind Melon had a question mark written on his forehead..and we know what happened to that guy. :(

I’m from Montreal (but I’m not French) I live in the US, I’m curious why don’t move to Canada?

As a biracial Montreal native now living in the US, I agree with you about Canadians thinking they don’t need to work on things like racism. The racism I experienced growing half black in lily white Montreal still haunts me to this day.

304. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 01/26 **#12**
The PR people of this B list mostly movie actress pulled out all the stops to get her in the Vanity Fair Hollywood issue. The actress was definitely not a first choice or even in the top 20 choices. Dakota Johnson

Yep, I totally agree. I have a daughter who is only 1/4 black (with bit of Asian from her dad) and her hair is curlier than mine. I feel so proud to be raising her and doing my damn best to do her hair and to helping her become a proud woman of color -which my mother denied me. (yes denied, she made me pass before I

As a biracial woman who grew up with a white mother and no black relatives I feel I missed out on a whole world, beginning with my hair. :(