
As a Canadian living in the US, let me tell you a Canadian public school is very very different than a US public school. There is a huge huge difference between “poor” and “rich” schools here than in Canada.

There are blind gossip bits about the both of them, him for screwing around while married and her for being, I don’t want to say “bitch” cause I don’t think that’s a bad thing but lets say she’s not the image she presents. Alledgly.

I have never heard of Maye Musk, I need to hear more about her and less about her son.

And the husbands make for some good tv, I smell at least two divorces in the few years!

If Andy goes, its done.

I’m in SF too, now I have to roam the streets looking for this pig whom I bet is in Noe Valley..

I’ve met a bunch of musicians and it always amazes me how like 90% of them are petite.

Yeah...Nick too...

I love baby bikini’s! I put my kid in them and I have pics of me in them in 70's! Not everything has to be anything beyond “its cute”.

I am 38 year old biracial Canadian, I have to say that was very nice of your mother to at least tell you not to be rude! Over my years I encountered many rude people. :(

You have nailed it down with these points, I totally agree. I say that as a biracial woman myself albeit one that doesn’t fit into pop culture’s biracial standards.

I like the video, it, like “Happy” reminds me of being in LA on vacation.

I agree about the 30's/40's being a lonely times! I”m the opposite though, I’m married and have kids, but I started early than most in my peer group and my oldest is almost out the door and we are so over the kid thing. Kids can be energy suck and we like to escape them every once in awhile but sadly almost everyone

From a blind gossip website..

This was a wise choice on your part! My first was the devil, waited 8 years then had my second, the sweetest baby ever, thought the first was a fluke and had that third one.....all I can say is pass the wine..

This would have made Philip and Elizabeth’s job so much easier.

I miss home. People have an idea of what Montreal/Quebec must be like, they have no idea about the reality. :D

That fucking theme song gets me everytime.

They also make swim leggings for those who just want to swim and not have to show any skin!

I loved using that fucking thing, I would use it way past my actaully needing to use it.