
I’m curious as well, was it that little people can have the same reactions as average sized when duped? (shocker, they do!) Did Jess choose Tom specifically because he is a little person?

Lots of Vikander fans around these parts! Two years ago it was Lawrence, four years ago it was Hathaway..

I had the same experience with my then baby, except the movie I saw was Don’t Mess With The Zohan. It was a piece of shit but I loved every minute being out of the damn house!

I agree, this is fine, can’t blame them for trying to get a piece of the kidswear action. I love buying clothes for my kids and besides skinny jeans (which I love, my kids hate and like other poster’s kids calls them “hard pants”) and “boutique” clothing, I’d say most kids brands make comfy play clothes for girls. I

No! Do tell! I’m still wondering just how she managed to make Gigi a “thing”.

$119,000 in SF for one person?! Damn, I wish! We are a family of 5 doing it for $20,000 less.

I agree the other questions are much more interesting, facebook is somewhat interested in what their employees have to say. At my job(s) most of the higher ups were just concerned with cover their own asses and did not want worker bees input, thank you very much.

Good thing you live in Montreal, no one gets married there.

I really would have loved if you had asked her about the whole positive vibe of the show, its a such a rare thing to watch a competitive reality show have people helping each other instead of cutting each other down.

Well just sit tight, Gen Z will be nipping at your heels soon enough, you’ll be deemed too old for fucking anything and then you can sit at the gumpy old people table with us Gen X’er, Boomers and the corpses of the Greatest Generation!

66. THE GOSSIP LIFE 04/06 **#2**
This B-list actress, who has been nominated for an Oscar, is looking for a lead role on a television series. The reason? Nearly every role (95% at least) she’s been offered in the last three years in movies has been either ‘The Mother’ or ‘The Wife.’ Her agent advised her that if she

Right after that scene I said to my husband, “well there’s the first divorce for this cast of RHOD”

Love it! Last questions, when is the best time to visit Charleston and is it as lovely as it looks on this show? :D

Thanks for the insider info! Whats the deal with Cameran’s husband?

Ah, we had that too for our 16 year old, we would always forget to turn the damn thing off and it would start beeping when we’d take him out of the crib and forget to turn it off.. scaring the shit out of the baby.

So weird I was just thinking about Rose Red yesterday and I hadn’t thought or read about her in years! I was reminded of her while watching the new Huntsman movie trailer. I have these creepy old 70's fairy tale books with their story it in.

Ok, I’m glad someone else posted this! I was all like hey, she was a pretty big model back in the 90's and on the cover of all my VS catalogs!

I think its their light eye colour that makes people question their background, people think “well you don’t find blue/green eyes in Africa” so you have to be part white. Karen seems to be as light skinned as Robyn and Gizelle but no one questions her.

I am biracial as well but I feel like I *can’t* identify as black. I was raised by a white mother, with white siblings with no time at all spent with my black father or his side of the family. Add in the fact that I was raised in Canada which has a different history with black people ( no slavery, more recent arrivals

Can’t believe it took this long for someone to mention Rhinoceros.