
I'm going to have my teen son start reading Lifehacker, no joke, you guys are the best.

Its the camera I need, I want one that does those fuzzy out of focus pictures..I guess a DSLR.

Totally! I love dressing my daughter in some crazy ass poofy shit and if I had the money totally do a photo shoot, but man, a wedding dress?

I never wore jeans in high school, it was the 90's I was not into rocking the 90210 high waist jean, so stirrups it was! People definitely thought I was weird.

This would be me, I can't help it, I love dressing my kids up! I do hate the word fashionista, though.

Carters goes up to size 12 online! (sorry if you already knew that because you have a 12 year old!)

He's safe, she's just a hired gun.

When watching My Life with Marilyn, I couldn't get over his lips..they're the same color as his skin.

Many years ago, after she had had I think her first kid she was one The View and she was answering viewer mail, one women wrote in and asked how to deal with looking like a "tiger mauled her stomach"..the look of disgust on Cindy's face like "how the fuck should I know".

His marriage is also a sham according to blind items gossip..more publicity for awards season!

I prefer John Newman

I have no idea what that means either but am I obsessed with "The Only Way is Essex". It took me awhile but I totally got used to the accent, I do love a good Brit accent but the Essex one isn't very sexy!

I'm from Canada and live in the US, dude, its a totally different world down here, its crazy. I'm sending all my kids back to the homeland to go to school.

According to the blind items gossip he wasn't happy that his wife got pregnant and he's a controlling asshole..

Your white mother sounds so much better than mine! She would tell me I had a big ass like my father amongst other really harsh things. Never understood why she had a baby with a black man. :/

I hear you, I'm mixed as well and *I* think its pretty obvious I'm half black, but to many I just look like a white girl with an olive complexion. If I had been a few shades darker my life would have been completely different, most likely for the better.

I tried to have a simple home party last year, I invited 7 kids, 5 (two families) did not show up. I don't think its always the type of party you have, its the kinds of rude ass people you have in your life!

Drawing. I suck at it but would love just to whip out a masterpiece!

This pretty much how I am, of course I want the best for my kids and sometimes feel bad but at the end of the day, my kids don't have the shit parents I or my husband had so they are already ahead of me in life and that's what its all about!

When I saw this as a teen I didn't think anything of Matthew, my crushes were Rory Cochrane (Ron) and the kid in that above video Wiley Wiggins! Not sure what my deal was back then, I think it was the long hair..