
I'm a Canadian living in the US for 8 years now, I still get mixed up when filling out the mountains of paperwork anytime I bring my kids or myself to a doctor/dentist/anywhere that wants dated documents. I just usually spell out the date to avoid the issue. :D

Seriously. After the last 4-8 weeks of hell (I'm in retail) and all the $$$ (I got kids) spent, I'm too broke and tired to go out anywhere.

As someone who lives in mild all year round climate and being from somewhere where there was seasons, I have to say I don't mind this, it really does remind me what time of the year it is!

Its also charming that there quite a few blind gossip items hinting that he's not the faithful husband he claims to be!

Omg, yes!! Last year was the first "invite the whole class" (which I do because my oldest has autism and was never invited to anything so I feel for any kid left out!) I had to chase most of those fuckers(parents, not kids) down to find out if they were coming or not and none of the girls in my son's class showed,

You know, that how I feel watching some of these shows! I live in Northern California, yes its pretty but its often foggy and chilly so while I love it here, I love when we go to LA for a weekend getaway. Watching LA based shows makes me relive our vacations when I come home from a long day at a shit job!

Don't forget Dean & Deluca!

Got 3 kids as well, we make it work in our small 2 bedroom apt and tiny car! Our biggest expense is the 15 year old, he eats everything, has braces and needs adult clothing..but he's the smartest of the lot so we're hitching our wagon to him! :D

I applied for what was then $5 a day daycare in 2002, never got it, had to go with the more expensive option of $20 a day home daycare!

Yes, this is totally it! I have tried for awhile now to make fellow "mom" friends but it just doesn't work out. Just because you have kids the same age and may be dealing with the same type of issues, unless you have other things in common or similar personalities it won't become a lasting friendship, which is fine if

You can kinda see what he will look like as an old man in the main photo.

That last pic just slayed me. My husband had cancer at 35 and our son was about the same age as this little boy, not ever did he want our son to visit him, I understood why but if he had gotten worse.. He's fine now, we went on to have another kid and are living life. Probably shouldn't have growled at him this

Jude Law should be higher, that was peak Law!

Why did I watch this, why did I go to his you caring page, why did I click on that baby's photo.. :(

History - The Verve, On and On - The Longpigs, She's Not Dead, Saturday Night - Suede, This is a Low - Blur, When We Two Parted, My Curse - The Afghan Whigs..man I could go on, I love me some sad ass songs!

They better! I'm the best.

I'm the opposite, I don't mind if a stranger comes up and wants to help me! Often my 3 year old is so weirded out by the stranger she'll quiet down for a bit.

You hit the nail on the head. Why is something "pink and girly" any worse than something "blue and boy-ey"( sorry couldn't think of a better word to play on girly!)

Yep, we have missed out of things. :( My mother didn't drive and my stepdad worked night so I missed out of stuff growing up, I don't want that for my kids, but you're right we have to try. Good luck! I'm just glad I'm not the only one who feels this way!

I'm from Montreal where no one (in my social circle) really gets their license until later in life, if at all! Getting back into it is a life goal but I keep making excuses.