
Seriously, this is one insane city! I feel like such a loser though, I work with people 20 years younger than me who drive no problem or I see these other parents picking up their kids at school and I'm dragging my kid up hills. Good exercise, yes, but walking everywhere is getting tiring. :(

Nice pics! What kind of camera?

Can I say thank you for this thread and all the responses!! I got my license a few years ago in my early 30's after moving to the car loving USA, I've driven like 6-10 times and never by myself. I need to get over it as I have kids and walking/public transport is taking a toll but I'm sooo anxious about it and to boot

I have a six year, yes thats too old, my kid is constantly "sick", needs a glass of water, wantsanother story ect ect! Does you watch her on a regular basis, if so, she knows better, if not she probably is a bit weirded by her parents not being around.

Wow, really? I totally had the same thought that kitteneye did about the campaign!

My 3 year old daughter will be wearing that stuff and the 20 something girls who are now wearing the 90's clothes of my youth, will understand how I feel when I look at their Bart Simpson leggings.

I feel you, I live in SF as well and I am not outdoorsy at all! My husband is a native and is not like that either so we are a good pair. The city for all its openness, really isn't, you sort of have to fit in this template and its hard if you don't fit it! Like I said I'm married but I'm on the hunt for like minded

Hmm, wonder if I can use that to make the garlic potatoes I can only find at Lebanese restaurants back home!

I find your statement totally true, especially your last paragraph. I struggle as a married late 30's parent with 3 kids, not with the kids, but finding other parents who don't dedicate every moment of free time to their children!

Thanks! I should have put an "s" after "burner" tho.. :D

Jesus, that image of them in bed..

I would feel totally creeped out if I was you, so no, you are not having a weird reaction!

Yes, its that last leg of the trip to NL that's the killer! As a family we don't travel much so when thinking of spending that kind of cash on a vacation - no offense to you, my mother and all of my Newfie family - there are a bunch of other places I'd rather go. For example Ireland, way further than NL, yet half the

My family lives about an hour away from St. John's, I now live on the west coat of the US, my Mom keeps asking me to come up there to visit...no way. It would take us forever and cost almost $5000 for a family of five!! For $5000 we could a lot of travel including going to Europe. Traveling to Canada is so expensive.