
“And let me save you some keystrokes in the comments: we know NOT ALL WHITE PEOPLE, but I still said what I said.

“Who knows what motivates people to do this?” Hammons said...

Yeah, that’s the fucking attitude that gets me. “Huh, musta been some of those vandals. Out for a joy ride, just being vandals. Of no particular color or political beliefs. Anyone hungry?”

“Who knows what motivates people to do this?” Hammons said, noting that traffic signs are common targets for vandals and shooters in rural areas. “Vandals have been around since the beginning of time.”

“Who knows what motivates people to do this?” Hammons said...

Vandals Evil white people have been around since the beginning of time.”

Here’s a new spin on being called an asshole. If you didn’t take 5 minutes to do a search on the law in the riders area about passing on a double yellow and continued to call the rider an asshole at any level you are an asshole at the highest level. 10 mph under the speed limit allows for passing, Crum was going 20

Dude, quit. You’re literally getting no stars. And you’re really coming off as the huge asshole. Just because someone breaks a law, doesn’t make them an asshole. You know, in some cities, it’s illegal to give money to a homeless person begging. You know what I do? I become an asshole and give them money anyways.

Apparently courts decided the biker didn’t do anything illegal since the car went below the minimum speed; so it was ok to pass him.

I think you need to check your priorities they are terribly skewed to the bad.

I agree with you: whenever I see someone violate a traffic law, I immediately try to murder them.
Seriously, how are “passing in a non-passing zone” and “attempted manslaughter” equally “asshole” behaviors?

Two quotes from the embedded video above:

I’m gonna back up all the people who are calling you out for BEING an asshole simply for writing this astoundingly stupid comment suggesting that someone committing a traffic infraction is equivalent to attempted murder.

Assholes break laws. End of story.

Yeah... except I’ve never tried to murder or seriously injure someone for being an asshole in traffic. I just grumble and keep driving because why waste energy? And why the fuck would you use a 3000+ pound vehicle as a weapon on someone trying to pass you?

Hey, asshole:
“The rider was absolutely legal to pass the Car in Texas because the car was going below the minimum speed limit. In fact the rider that was hit was cited by the police, and the ticket was thrown out of court because it was shown that the vehicle the rider was passing that swerved at him was going 35mph

From the YouTube comments:
“The rider was absolutely legal to pass the Car in Texas because the car was going below the minimum speed limit. In fact the rider that was hit was cited by the police, and the ticket was thrown out of court because it was shown that the vehicle the rider was passing that swerved at him was

You should do some research into the letter of the law vs the spirit of the law. Which law enforcement should be trained on. Once you read up on this you will understand you are horribly wrong.

“We are a country of laws, Yes? the law is a line separating what we ALL agree to be good and bad.”

Wait, I’m confused. If you’re claiming a link between law breaking and your tiered levels of assholeness, wouldn’t tier 1 be more severe than tier 2? Like first degree murder versus second degree murder? People who are inconsistent are assholes. Fact.