
Do you... do you not know the difference between suntan lotion and sunscreen? They aren’t the same thing. One protects you from the sun and one helps you get a tan. The terms aren’t interchangeable.

Incorrect. Pride is about protest and resistance. Pride began as a revolt against police brutality. You need to read your Pride history, because you are WAY off base.

Ally? You don’t know what that actually means, do you?

Hahahaha nope. “Things go off the rails when we don’t welcome our oppressors with open arms.” What the fuck are you even talking about?!

Ableist hate speech. Nice.

People with developmental disabilities are still people. But go ahead and keep on using that word and dehumanizing them just to insult other people. That’s okay. Nothing abhorrent or hypocritical there.

So we think it’s cute that Lena Dunham made a lazy, stereotypical “short hair - lesbian” joke? Really?

Fuck off with that.

As a mother, I can verify that I would much rather have a million and a half dollars than a live son. Boy, you’ve really cracked it. What brilliance and insight.

Delete your life. The world is a worse place with you in it.

Incorrect. The “One Day at a Time” reboot was almost perfect.

That dumb fuckshit really tweeted “5 and O” - the FUCKING LETTER O?! He’s too fucking stupid to know that the phrase means FIVE AND ZERO?! He then went on to use the numeral zero in the same tweet, so we know he knows what a zero is. But he thinks that keeping count is “five and the letter o”.

There is not enough

When you’re talking about inflicting police on queer populations of color that are being targeted and brutalized by the police, you are not talking about “our” movement. You are talking about yourself and YOUR movement.

The police are not friends of people of color, much less queer people of color. BLM protected their communities. Fuck the police.

P.S. You are misusing “bullying”.

Do you know what the B stands for? Or the T?

“or whatever, I can’t be bothered to keep up, honestly”



Weed, my dog, my immediate family, food, and cartoonishly bad movies are the only things keeping me from doing a swan dive into the Columbia River Gorge anymore.

Your fat-shaming ass should probably do some research, hey? Countless studies show fat people don’t eat more or differently than thin people. Countless studies show some people are fat and some people are thin - naturally. Countless studies show that science STILL doesn’t know why some people are fat/thin, and

Let’s all give the racist white racist the benefit of the doubt!

I think I sprained my eyes, I rolled them so hard. Give us a fucking break, hey?