
“He” out of drag, “she” in drag.

I mean, he couldn’t even win the nomination, but sure. For sure. Keep telling yourself whatever you need to protect your precious sense of superiority.

...except the low-income kids and families that food was meant for were potentially hurt. They stole food from hungry people and wasted it by smearing it through the school. That’s not just dumb, it’s cruel.

“One day of my life is more important than black lives and institutionalized racism.” You must be so proud.

You’re not sorry. You’re thrilled to feel justified in your obscene racism and we all know it.

No. This is not depression. The vast, VAST majority of people diagnosed with depression do not murder. That’s not what this is.

People with mental illness are FAR more likely to be the VICTIMS of violence, and shit like this is part of the reason why. STOP.

Also “racism”, “untreated, deeply entrenched, and fairly dangerous mental health issues”, “delusions of grandeur”, and “incurable famewhorism”.

I mean, why are people confused? Courtney Love is a raging, malignant asshole. This is 100% in line with everything about her.

What an original and compassionate take. Your parents must be very proud.

“I’m functionally illiterate but still think I’m superior lol”

Wait - if the president is removed from or leaves office, the vice-president assumes the role of president? What?! Really?! That is new information that nobody has ever heard before!

I love (“love”) how you people always clog up the comments section with the most obvious and repetitive response imaginable. Everyone

She’s not a child, her mother is toxic and abusive, you might be an asshole, and you are definitely wrong about every single thing you said here.

There is essentially no treatment for sociopaths / antisocial personality disorder. Some forms of cognitive behavioral therapy might work on a few, but what you learn when you’re in school and training to be a psychologist/psychiatrist (I’m a Psych major right now, specializing in abnormal psych) is that there isn’t

Yep. That’s what happened. She meanly made one comment and then he killed himself.

If you don’t know what happened, shut the fuck up with your false equivalencies.

That’s not how sociopaths work. They don’t grow out of it. You don’t know what you’re talking about here.

Oh daaaaaamn, it’s so good!

So literally nobody at Jezebel knows the word “peahen”?

No such thing as a female peacock. They are peafowl. The males are peacocks. The females are peahens. This is like saying “female rooster” or “female bull”. For fuck’s sake. What an embarrassment.

Do you actually know of any of the fucked-up shit she did as a mother? Courts actually took her daughter away. That’s not sexism. That’s being a fucking shitshow of a parent. Just because sexism exists and just because rock dudes are also garbage parents doesn’t mean she wasn’t. Yeah, she’s a victim of misogyny. But

Fat-shaming AND victim-blaming? You’re a real prize.

A++++++++++ I am dead now.