
I used to use their super-matte sunscreens exclusively, but they test on animals now. Assholes.


But could you find a guide to proper punctuation with two hands and a flashlight? How about a guide to avoiding lazy-ass cliches while engaging in racism?

When Locomotive Jones - one of the most racist, misogynist, toxic, malignant, hate-filled, black-hearted, violent trolls Jezebel has ever had - is agreeing with you, you’re on the wrong fucking side, friend.

It’s true! Nothing says love like eating someone’s murdered corpse!

Not only are you a poisonous shitsack racist, you posted your super-hot racist take on the wrong story because you’re too stupid to understand infinite scrolling. You’re also too stupid to proofread. Fuck you, and fuck your disingenuous hateful apologism, and fuck your transparent racism, and fuck you again. Get the

I haven’t finished my coffee yet, so I misread this as when he first farted Politically Incorrect and I thought, “Yes, that’s exactly right. He’s full of nothing but noxious gas and poisonous shit.”

White lady here, wondering where you’ve been re: Maher that this is surprising to you? Dude’s been a festering pustule for a long, long time. He’s sexist, he’s predatory, he likes misogynist jokes and talking about fucking teenagers (you know, statutory rape), he’s a raging Islamophobe and a vicious racist. That he’s

This is all disingenuous, victim-blaming horseshit and you know it. It’s disgusting. Knock it off.

Animal agriculture (this includes dairy and eggs, not just meat) is the number one cause of climate change. It creates more greenhouses gases than transportation. 90% of all Amazon rainforest destruction is done for cattle ranching. Never mind that animal agriculture is rife with human rights violations and labor

Animal agriculture is the number one cause of climate change. Full stop.

Everyone’s furious about this asshole pulling out of the accord, and they should be. But I see millions of people who are incensed and terrified about climate change but won’t even change what they put in their mouths, which is the single greatest

Something smells, all right. But I think it’s grown-ass commenters insinuating that a little girl deserved to be smacked with a broom by an adult in authority.

It’s even easier to “predict” a future that will never happen.

It’s much lazier, too.

Shhhh. No facts that contradict the story. Definitely not facts in the service of defending Hillary! Not on Fusion!

We for sure don’t have anyone currently running the country who feels the same way! Gosh, did we ever dodge a bullet!

“vegetable”? People still say that? People still don’t get that it’s not okay to say that? This is someone’s kid. Jesus fucking christ.

That’s not how you spell “misogyny”, friend, but given your slippery grasp of grammar and punctuation, we’re not surprised by the error.

Gotta disagree. This is weak, lazy, obvious, and stale as dog shit in the sun.

Yes. Their homophobia doesn’t seem to be a deal-breaker here or at Jezebel.
