
What’s a clow?

And you don’t actually mean “prosecute”. You mean “persecute”. Learn the difference.

As for liberals (no capital letter) and Rafi and “their high horse”, are they/we all on one horse together? All liberals and Rafi on one horse? Did you, perhaps, mean that they should get off their high horses?

It’s been like 12 hours. Relax.

P.S. If you don’t like it, don’t click on it?

I’m dead. This killed me dead.

This is a thing of beauty. Kudos.

“Only care about what I think is important. Only think the big picture is what I think it is, please.”

I’m so fucking tired of commenters here telling other commenters what to care about and how to prioritize it. Jesus, you do understand that people can care about more than one thing at a time, right? Or they can think

That’s right. Because what a bunch of men think is how one defines “brilliant’.

Seriously, take your petty distaste for her and fuck off out of here.

You don’t see why people of color would want to have events with other people of color, to discuss their oppression without avatars of their oppression present? Really?

Gosh, if you don’t see the need, then I guess it doesn’t exist. It can’t be that you don’t see the need because you don’t want to.

Most people have the capacity to care about and even prioritize more than one thing at a time.

If you aren’t capable of that, you aren’t normal and definitely shouldn’t be criticizing anyone else. I’m sure there are many professionals that can help you.


Penis != man. Thanks for your transphobia!

Seriously. Seek help. You are a fucking mess.

P.S. *judgment

WHAT the ENTIRE FUCK is wrong with you? Why are you here? You don’t have to read or listen to ANYTHING. You are choosing to be here. You chose to read this piece. Nobody made you read it. Nobody made you click on it. You’re throwing your back out trying to twist and misrepresent what was actually written here (which

Again, that’s not what it says.

But, boy, a lot of YOUR issues are showing here.

Sorry you can’t read, kid, but that’s not even remotely what this says.

The child was being a fucking child.

“spanked with a belt” - this is an odd way to spell “assault and battery”.

“how many times can you be punched before you want to punch back?”


Rasmussed skews hard right and isn’t trustworthy. That’s not his actual approval rating at all.


A woman to do whatever the fuck she wants to with her own body? Yes, it is.

Shaming other women isn’t feminist.