
“So I don’t see the difference between gigantic, unethical corporations that make obscene, morally indefensible profits off the backs of working and marginalized people and tiny, solo, struggling artists.”

Okay then. Enjoy your false equivalencies and smug yet utterly baseless superiority!

Who gives a shit? If you don’t like it, then it’s not for you. Nobody cares if you don’t like it. This isn’t your LiveJournal.

And that’s your sorry-ass takeaway from this article? Spare us.

Yes, this seems natural and healthy for an animal. Not abusive and exploitative at all.

It’s so gross how everyone at Jezebel cannot think critically about nonhuman animals and gets really excited about their abuse & exploitation. Lazy feminism.

You can’t tell how healthy someone is by looking at them. This is lazy, anti-feminist bullshit. Fuck you, Hannah.

It’s fun to joke around about children who don’t get a say in their own bodies, nutrition, or health.

You are an adult and if you want to kill yourself - and others, and the planet - with a sloppy joe, you can. Honestly, the sooner people with your attitudes die off, the better. But these are children.

Thank you for the demonstration of why less knowledge is bad.

Are you using misogyny to defend sexual assault victims? For real?

Your cognitive dissonance might be so profound as to need medical attention.


If someone desperately needs medical care and they don’t go to the emergency room because they can’t afford it, then yes, they will die.

Your book fucking sucks.

You can guess and assume the worst, or you can watch the entire fucking video and watch this man say that he read the whole thing. Is 5 minutes too long for you?

Do you know Denis Leary’s song “Asshole”? Not sure why I just thought of that. Hm.

Do you know Denis Leary’s song “Asshole”? Not sure why I just thought of that. Hm.

Fat shaming is so progressive.

That’s what’s important here!

IT’S MELANIA. There is only one I in it. Christ.

Well, I was saying that everyone in Irving still looks like that, so she could’ve picked it up after she moved there. But mostly I was saying that Irving is awful and stagnant, which is just fact.

I actually lived in Irving as a kid. Went to middle school and freshman year in Irving schools. Irving is very, very racist and very, very homophobic - I’ve been unlearning the shit I learned in Irving for 30 years.

Eyeliner, though. This is how we did our eyeliner in middle school and high school in Irving. We would

“Try the original” was also a joke, friend. A wry comment on the Putin puppet currently occupying the White House? That’s the joke. Come on.

It is shocking to me how well Southwest has scrubbed the US’s collective memory about its long history of fuckery. Throwing fat people off the plane, even when they’ve paid for 2 seats? Remember when the pilot personally decreed that Kevin Smith be thrown off the plane because his weight was a safety hazard? Remember

Delta’s cool with their pilots punching female passengers in the face, but as long as you’re not one of those female passengers, cool for you.