
It is shocking to me how well Southwest has scrubbed the US’s collective memory about its long history of fuckery. Throwing fat people off the plane, even when they’ve paid for 2 seats? Remember when the pilot personally decreed that Kevin Smith be thrown off the plane because his weight was a safety hazard? Remember

It is shocking to me how well Southwest has scrubbed the US’s collective memory about its long history of fuckery. Throwing fat people off the plane, even when they’ve paid for 2 seats? Remember when the pilot personally decreed that Kevin Smith be thrown off the plane because his weight was a safety hazard? Remember

I’m in Seattle and I’m stunned at how few people know that Alaska refused to let a Latino friend board his flight from DFW to Seattle last year because a white woman said he “looks scary”. One of the agents actually told him to “go home and shave” so that he looked less Middle Eastern.

I’d encourage you to go back a few months and read the customer posts on Alaska’s Facebook page. Look for posts from Maria and/or Mark French. My Latina friend’s brother was not allowed to board his Alaska flight in DFW last year because a white passenger said he “looks scary”. One of Alaska’s agents told him to “go

Hottest take, as ever.

Did you just #notallcisgaymen? Really?

Fuck you.

Gay people DO call themselves the f-word. Women DO call themselves the C-word, and the B-word, too. Both groups have made concerted efforts to reclaim those words for themselves, for decades now. You have no idea what you’re talking about.

Pretty telling how comfortable you feel comfortable typing out j*ps and sp*cs,

Oh, god, thank you for this. Shit is bleak, but this made me laugh.

Obvious strawman troll is obvious (and lazy).

Didn’t yall do this exact same piece a few months ago? Same comments, same person? Is this a rerun or a rehash?

So you’ve never heard of, like, exaggeration or hyperbole for effect? No? Figurative vs. literal? Not that, either? Okay then.

“In even worse news”? Sure, tens of millions of people just lost health care coverage and tens of thousands will die, but YOUR BREWERY.

She got 3 million more votes. She won multiple elections before that. But, sure, keep calling her unelectable. If you say it enough times, it might be true (it won’t).

You’re not liberal. You’re a closet misogynist who wants a woman and a citizen to sit down and shut up unless she is conforming 100% to your standards.

Not sure who you think you’re fooling.

Found the racist!

...you had to read past the headline to find the harm? Really? So you think the racist-as-shit “Cinco de Drinko” is just harmless fun? Really?

The harm is in taking an entire culture’s important remembrances and turning them into alcohol poisoning sprees (including, yeah, Mardi Gras and St. Patrick’s Day). The harm is

Oh, there it is. Didn’t take you long to go from faux-progressive to unabashed racism. We all knew it, but thanks for making it explicit.

Takes a shitbag to recognize one, hey?

I’m guessing the people who suffer due to increased mental health stigma from bullshit like this give a shit, but fuck them, right? For sure their safety and potential well-being is worthless in comparison to y’all’s god-given right to play PsyD with the Imperial Wizard.

That’s not what it is. It’s not taking the high road. It’s this: not speculating about mental health because it increases mental health stigma for people going through this and similar things who aren’t racists sacks of shit. Jesus wept. I hate Donald Trump more than I’ve ever hated anyone in all my 43 years - and I’m