
Yes please. Many of the Zoya Pixies are lovely looking but I jus can't handle the feeling. Makes my nails/hands look really dry.

My mother loved it as well and offered to be a surrogate for a couple of friends. It didn;t end up working out but she felt great being pregnant.

According to my time stamp you commented very early this morning. We will just blame that ;)

I break it into 2 pieces. They do share the same food bowl though. We use to have 2 but they would both eat out of the first one filled (at once) then both move over to the 2nd. We finally just got a bigger one and fill it once.

Maybe we are horrible people but we never give our cats pet treats. Our cats love shrimp (they share 1 shrimp between the 2 of them), a bit of turkey/chicken, cheese or salmon. They also like lettuce but that usually happens by accident.

My favorite is that keep bring up her health from a concussion they denied she had for months. They are mighty obsessed with it now.

Yes we did to start then the conversation would go off talking about that. It would often go post recipe for brownies, "oh, what type of chocolate do you use for this?", "I've been craving peanut butter cookies, any recipes for that?", pb cook recipe, my famous casserole recipe, etc..

I asked my lab partner to go to prom with me senior year. He was a junior. A couple of years later we worked together at a retail job and for some reason he was talking about prom with a high schooler and me. He said out right his junior prom sucked (it was joint so the one we went to together) and totally never

All the little symbols make me want to click the link. Maybe they think we will be so distracted we won't know what to do and accidentally click it.

We use to use recipes when we had trolls/drama queens in a group I was in. Quite effective actually.

I was sort of joking with the bots. I just thought about it with the one in this thread.

I wonder if this would work on the trolls here? Everytime someone spams the board with job offers we post something graphic?

I d0 them on the grill in the summer sometimes. So good.

This is my favorite post on their Facebook page. I don't think Shutterfly was really trying to convince anyone into having a baby with this email.

I'm going to email you right now.

I've never been to Bennys but worked off Commerical St, and passed it everyday for years.

OMGEE! We should get together. My email is howithinkithappened@gmail.com and I will be around all summer. Maybe we are neighbors.

I forget where you are from in Maine but I love Ken's Place in Scarborough. However it is tourist central, and every year I see people taking photos with the menu board. I'm hoping that wasn't the highlight of the trip but people are so crazy you never know.

I don't like s'mores but it is because graham crackers are like lightly sweetened cardboard. I do make banana boats though and that seems like a good compromise when s'mores are a thing.

I worked in an office that was below some apartments. One day a young women came by to tell me her very large snake was missing and to leave her number incase he showed up in the office. Luckily I am not afraid of snakes and appreciated the heads up but I definitely was peeking around corners for a bit.