
Yeah and it isn’t cute. I mean they sacrificed their souls to get good ratings and now that they smell blood they’re calling people out but that’s for ratings too. Thank god the NYT and wapo are doing investigation journalism.

It’s about fucking time, media. They are partly responsible for this shit show and should be apologizing to the American people everyday.

Flynn isn’t the typical Trump cabinet sycophant who has no fucking clue how the federal government works or about national security. He knew that US intelligence would be monitoring the Russian ambassador (especially after the news broke that they suspected Russia tried to influence the election) yet, the guy still

I’ve been discussing Trump a lot with my therapist (therapy has gotten weird since the election), and she predicted that Trump wouldn’t get through a term without having a screaming public meltdown.

Scientists have concluded that in times of trauma you overestimate time, so that’s what I think is happening here, coupled with there’s more scandal in this time than all 8 years under obama.

Wrong. Only if you vote. Only if you put your ass in your car and go volunteer for your local Dem’s campaign. Only if you incessantly call your House rep asking for an investigation into this. The fate of the American democracy hinges on you actually showing up.

Right. And he hasn’t said that these were fake leaks, only that they were leaks. For a guy who tweets “FAKE NEWS” like a parrot, this is new.

I was just watching that! That idiot had the nerve to say that they were spying on a private citizen. Flynn was the head of dia...you’d think he’d know that intelligence officials routinely intercept all communications with Russian ambassadors. The mental gymnastics that trump supporters are going through is

Some GOP Congressional ass was just on CNN barking about how awful it is that a private citizen like Flynn in December was spied on. Thankfully, Don Lemon was smart enough to correct him that they were routine taps on the Russian ambassador and Flynn was the moron who walked into the trap. Yes. I said “Don Lemon was

Seriously — the only thing they’re worried about is LEAKS! Not about the crimes that were committed, but only about the fact that people are finding out about them through leaks.

First there was Rand Paul saying that it was unnecessary to have Republicans investigating Republicans. Then Dan Rather very thoroughly laid out the issues and why the American public was entitled to a complete and independent investigation which led to Mitch The Turtle McConnell saying that any investigation could be

It makes no sense for Republicans to investigate Republicans.

That’s not how you Republican.

I love how trumps only defense is: “these leaks are illegal!” Meanwhile during the campaign he said he loved Wikileaks and begged Russia to hack Hillary’s emails. Karma is a bitch.

Chaffetz has already said he isn’t having an investigation on the Trump-Russia links because “it’s resolved itself”. He’s a spineless partisan hack. Never expect anything more from the GOP.

Did anyone else have to remind themselves today that it hasn’t even been a month of a Trump presidency? We’ve had the saddest circus act ever going strong for LESS than thirty days! There is no way he makes four years, right?