
Someone must already have posted this, but... it is a thing of beauty.

Exactly. I do not want to hear hear that voice, I do not want to see that face. I do not want it anyplace.

She even looked amazing wearing cat-eye glasses in Hidden Figures. <3

I keep hoping I’ll walk toward the shower in the morning and Hillary will be there. Not really but you know what I mean.


Seriously y’all, I was spending my afternoon calling press outlets urging them to boycott, UNTIL.....

that would be AWWWWESOME


Act LOCAL vote LOCAL for sure!!!

Look that is cool as long as they’re not spoilers. Get active with fairvote.com if you want the ability to vote your conscience without throwing the election to the fucking Nazis.

Thank you PLEASE let’s get together here like Keith and Tom

Isn’t it better we get his leadership AND he keeps his seat???

Fine I wanted Pete B. So what, we are ALL IN THIS TOGETHER

So we essentially have co-chairs. A Latino labor activist and an African-American Muslim from the Midwest who can keep his seat in Congress. They are working together. We must support them. Stop the fucking circular firing squad.

Because that is the only metric SCROTUS understands. Huuuge, screaming crowds. For this reason we *must* keep flooding town halls.

Democratic governors, local legislatures, and the judiciary — all of which have progressive opportunities in 2017!!

Because they were themselves children once... it’s not offense against the “other” (which is apparently fine)

McMaster has a great reputation in the military - smart, independent thinker. Will be interesting to see how this works out. And whether he can get Bannon off the NSC.

Thank you for your service to the nation, seriously