
Yes I am having a hard time with this too. Strategies welcome!

Unofficially, he’s there because the U.S. government is now viewed as a security risk.

Keeping in mind that Mattis is known as “The Warrior Monk”, I still wonder how long he will put up with this bullshit, especially since his preferred guy said no to the NSA job

I was kind of thinking Snowbilly Barbie could have done better.

I want the alternate universe where Ann Richards became president instead of W, please.

The approval is dropping, but it will probably never drop much below 30%. Because we have that many racist idiots.

Somebody finally got Il Douchey to understand that “Abe” is his last name. But he probably is still pronouncing it the wrong way.

Do they?

I’m gonna use that one

because he is a dick.

Not many people show up for special elections. Mobilization can really matter!!

It actually made me feel a little better to see that because obviously Gorsuch knows Hair Furor is a total dickwad. He has to hate him, right? Never mind that Gorsuch’s opinions are probably mostly the opposite of mine but at least if he’s confirmed to the court he’ll have no sympathy for that asshole...?

The VoteVets ad is the best thing ever. I want more like that.

I am so there. (Not a public radio volunteer but in that same “I need NPR but it is bad for me” state.)

I want a reality filter that replaces his face with an image of an actual Cheeto and his voice with a voder like the one Stephen Hawking uses.

20 bucks says Il Douchey has no idea what civil forfeiture means.

Tweet about this issue to Jeff Flake, Rand Paul, Justin Amash. I did already but the more the better.

Looks more like Spicer.

Which penis is Sessions getting fucked by? Inquiring minds want to know.