
This is a great idea and should be communicated along with the call to strike


And besides it is clearly true

All Il Douchey knows is that he had good hair.

This. Is. The. Best.

That has already happened. They have been stopping green card holders at the airport.

Pick a short list. Don’t worry that it doesn’t cover everything. Il Douchey is trying to flood the republic with a denial of service attack, so narrow your bandwidth: somebody else’s short list will pick up what you miss.

I find that every time I walk past a Trump building, I need to clear my throat and expectorate. Funny that.

He certainly will be, over a period of time.

Yeah the ones I know seem happy that shit is getting shaken up. You ask for specific good things they stare at you blankly and say “shit is getting shaken up!”

Wow, what a sweet guy! So many PEOTUS supporters just come across as warm-hearted, kindly people who put the interests of the country above their own profits and prejudices.

All of them, Katie!

Lemonade... I mean orangeade

I hope you are right. But I’m sure we will have to work hard to make it so.


I have hope there are some career civil servants at GSA who will still demand action. Their Twitter trolling of him warmed my heart.

OMG I need this

Democratic governor time!!!