
Yeah I saw his twitter post with a pic of his cake, and thought it was a joke cake with ‘43' on it. Seriously I thought he was close to 60.

I haven’t been as shocked about someone’s age since... I found out the day before that Alex Jones is only 43.

Need some more reasons to wake up in the middle of the night screaming? Sure you do...

Trudeau: And Pence soon after?

I have a Twitter account now so that I can troll Trump and Ryan, and so I can get actual information from the Alt-government feeds. It’s childishly satisfying to be able to directly taunt them and tell them how stupid they are.

caption for the lede image:

Now *this* is Justin’s genuine happy face. Sorry Paul Ryan, Justin will never love you the way he loves Barack!

In sequence:

Totally agree. The smile says “I am a friendly person who is happy to see you!” but the eyes scream “PLZ SEND HELP!!!!”

Trudeau just wants to get this over with. He wishes with every fibre of his being that he were kitesurfing with Obama, and is thinking about how when he gets back to Ottawa he and Sophie should Facetime Barack and Michelle. 

Trudea: You’re going to impeach him, right?
Ryan: You have no idea how soon.

Speaker Ryan laughs incredulously as Trudeau explains the concepts of universal healthcare, feminism and leg day.

I don’t think I can top this tweet

You shut your filthy mouth! They do NOT have the same hair. Ryan’s is short and sticky and yucky, and Trudeau’s is soft and curly and perfect.

Aw man, poor Justin. If you know him like Canada does, you can see how fake all these smiles are today. This is not his genuine happy face. What a shitty day for him, having to gladhand all these douchebags for the sake of the nation.

“His hands really are that small!”

“we keep him in power so he’ll pass all the bills we want”

I was just explaining the concept of universal health care.