
Please let it be before Steve Bannon insinuates himself into the line of succession.

All this.

All this.

I was surprised by the super bowl commercials. Many were just so in your face against the administration.

As is the absolute lack of fear to criticise and parody him. It gives me hope that impeachment is not far behind.

Awesome. One of the few places his white trash cousin fucking supporters could afford, but even Kmart is all “NOPE”. Fuck this entire family. I want their name to be fucking toxic for generations. Kushner too.

This is really interesting, because corporations are not moral actors. I’ve been paying attention to commercials (sociology major, can’t help it), and I’ve noticed that advertisers are still using same-sex and interracial couple and families and gender bending in their commercials. That’s really significant to me, it

Everything about this is just pure gold - the price, the discount, the name next to the dirt cheap price and “Made in China”... You can’t make this stuff up.

Call me when they start stocking pussy hats.

*Mentally says in Cordelia’s voice* Someone’s seen the harder side of Sears.

This gif is everything!

One of my favorite aspects of this week’s Spicer sketch (besides the freaking Segway podium, omg, lol) was how it directly responded to real Spicer’s commentary that McCarthy needed to calm down and she used too much gum. Enter “calmed down” Spicey and the comically oversized single piece of gum with “I’ve been told I

I have suggested this before, but here goes: SNL needs to get Leslie (Beverly Leslie) Jordan to play Jeff Sessions. Sessions would have an aneurysm.

She changed her twitter profile pic to her face superimposed over Bannon’s. She’s definitely game!

My guess is Rosie wants to just enjoy her life at this point and focus on her kids etc. going into that role, even though I think it might make a whole new career for her and also probably give her an outlet for some of the horrible things Trump said about her for like no reason, would probably completely disrupt her

I feel like I’m the only person who thinks Balwin’s Trump is not actually very much like Trump. Baldwin plays him in a manly way, whereas the thing about Trump is that he’s like a dainty little boy. His voice is much higher than Baldwin plays it.

She makes a perfect Bannon.

It’s almost as if when SNL has a President and administration that they can mock, they are on top of their game. They were so great during W’s years and then started nosediving during the Obama years, because they had nobody to make fun of really, and now they are on their A-game because of the surreal levels of awful

Oh god, the hoverpodium /dead