
Same, I have loved keeping myself informed since the fifth grade (yes I was, and continue to be, a nerd). In college, I was a member of the Debate team, I fell in love with research and pointing out fallacies in logic. The war on “fake news” is making me ill, it feels like every poorly conceived tweet, every

We did gain valuable intelligence that the Yemeni really don’t like it when we kill innocent civilians.

I quit keeping up with the news except through articles on various websites (such as this one). Somehow, it’s less stressful when you’re reading about it. You don’t have to see the obnoxious facial movements or hear the fart-like words being spewed from their lying whore mouths. The written word is just easier to deal

Me too. Even the weather winds me up. “Climate CHANGE:” I shout... “the climate is CHANGING!” Only the cats respond, with disdain. Unless I have treats in my hand. They love the freeze dried minnows:

Especially not with ISIS calling the Muslim ban “The Blessed Ban.”

The military is turning against Trump already.

In fact, one of the children was an American citizen. “8-yr. old American girl killed” somehow never makes the headlines.

Omg they’d be impeached by now. They’re such hypocrites.

I feel you. NPR is such an ingrained part of my life but I’ve even had to cut back on that a bit because by the weekend I just can’t bear it. I’m a volunteer for my local public radio station, so not listening 6 or more hours a day seems unnatural to me, but it just makes me so angry/sad/frustrated sometimes that the

I cannot stomach it and cannot avoid it. My FB feed, my regular web sites, my daily news (in a small 2,500 person town) has Trump all the fucking time. I’m a big NPR listener and cannot stand his voice the moment it’s on air. GWShrub was detestable but I listened. For Trump, I can NOT listen. Can NOT!

Some people wouldn’t have the balls to declare a mission a success and in the same breath talk about a soldier that died on the mission. To paraphrase Trump, I like commanders who don’t get their soldiers killed.

I literally just about have a stroke every time I turn on the news. I used to love the news. I enjoyed keeping up with events. Now I just feel like I am in a Kafka novel.

We all need to bask in the presence and wisdom of Mama Ru at this dark time.

Considering Trump was all about saying how he doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, won’t do drugs, etc. it’s strange that his closest adviser is clearly an alcoholic.

Let’s not forget that today, Spicer called the Yemen raid a success and said that to not consider it a success was disrespectful to slain Navy SEAL CPO Ryan Owens.

I don’t feel sorry for Spicer. When Trump a Lump told Spicer to go out and berate the press after the inauguration, he should’ve quit. That orange faced moron asked you to go out and tell a lie that was easily proven to be a lie. That was a big old neon hit to pack your shit and go.

A Cheeto-esque Midas touch? Horrifying

Today, this tomato faced cockstain invoked the name of the US Navy SEAL who died in the yemen raid, and used him to shame anyone asking about the raid. He straight up said anyone questioning the effectiveness or execution of the raid was insulting the dead serviceman.

Maybe anything Trump touches turns orange?