
Indeed; he does that thing Joe used to do, where he projects his intentions as negative things his opponents want to do. So, when Trump says McCain wants to start World War III, I became concerned...


I asked this question about Trump during the general election. Why does he even care about being President? He has all of the money in the world, why wouldn’t he just fucking take it and sit on a beach somewhere.

She thinks the public schools are harming children by teaching them secular ways of thinking, and that parents should be able to send their kids to schools that support only a “Biblical worldview” and super-conservative values, even if they can’t afford to pay for it privately. It’s a crusade for DeVos. I think she

Why did you pick the pre-meth Steve Bannon’s face ?

By destroying the education system, you make it easier to brainwash youth. 

Also, this is filling me with so much glee right now..

That is why . . .

Really? You think John McCain is going to nut up?

It’s almost like they talk a good game but when they have a chance to stop the Orange Menace, it’s always party over country.

For 2018, I want the Dems running nonstop ads about how much DeVos paid candidate in district/state X to sell out the public schools there. Even better if they also have images and tallys on how many people opposed the nomination. Hell, message it as “if they’ll sell your children for Y, how much do you think they’ll

No. I think that’s a good point, worth thinking about. Especially since one of the nominees with a penis is, you know, fucking Jeff Sessions...

C’mon Lindsay Graham and John McCain....you fuckers sure talk a lot for doing absolutely nothing of value.

Setting aside her bizarre anti-public education stances and her weird fear of grizzly bears, Besty DeVos is completely unqualified for the position for which she’s been nominated. She’s like a Ben Carson or a Rick Perry without any actual accomplishments to point to except for being rich and giving lots of money to

I couldn’t, say, pay my employees for participating, but it’s illegal for me to punish them for requesting a day off or inquire about their (limited) use of sick leave.