
Washington office: 202-224-2235.

Hillary warned us about this about fifty billion times.

In my book, if you are wildly intellectually incurious, then you are stupid. Trump has no depth — just surface. He’s a good promoter and marketer, and he has some kind of gift for connecting with people, but he is not an erudite man. He has no deep thoughts, no gift for deep analysis or putting things in historical

I don’t feel sorry for her. Not in the least.

On a creepy side note, can we also discuss the revelation that Mike Pence calls his wife motherinstead of Karen, Mrs. V.P., or even babycakes? Its in the new Rolling Stone article, he says things like Mother, what china are we eating on?This is in front of guests and not apparently joking. He is the fucking

It looks like he hates her as much as she hates him. See that nasty smirk when he turns around?

She clearly hates him. My theory? She tried to get out when she realized all the work that the First Lady needs to do. But he threw the prenup in her face and told her, if you leave now, you walk away with nothing but your kid. And as a mother, how would she be able to support her son or provide him the opportunities

Notice how Ivanka does the same thing. They’re all frightened to death of the guy. It’s bizarre.

Oh, yeah, that’s gotten a few mentions, because it’s so insane — not only because “going back” is a fucktarded thing to say, but also, “taking the oil” is a fundamental violation of international law.

Nah. I still don’t feel sympathetic for her, and I doubt I ever will.

People have noticed that the Cheeto left her behind when he entered the White House, abandoning her for the Obamas to guide gently inside.

The most fucked up part of the speech was this (that I don’t see being reported on):

DO 👏🏾 NOT 👏🏾 FEEL 👏🏾 SORRY 👏🏾 FOR 👏🏾 HER!!!


“It’d be like Trump going to Arlington National Cemetery and bitching about the ratings for his State of the Union.”

But harassing the FUCK out of Barak Obama for his fucking birth certificate wasn’t demoralizing???

It’s suppose to be a place to honor those who died in the line of duty. Trump basically pissed on a tombstone.

I’m sure I’m in the minority here but what made Trump’s remarks so vile is that he made them in front of the Memorial Wall at the CIA. Those stars represent operatives killed in the line of duty who can’t be honored by name because of the nature of their activities.

it’s a little demoralizing to turn on the tv day after day and hear...