
I got

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them.” —Maya Angelou

I wonder why it would happen this season and not last season when he first appeared.

I don’t watch the show, but I have a really hard time believing he had zero knowledge of the social stigma the trans community faces as a gay man himself.

Holy fuckpants. What the... Wait, WHAT? Oh Junior... Still, I’d bet this is what’s going on in his head.

That tweet is disgusting. I’m going to have real trouble not unloading on the next person who says “Oh, but he raised such wonderful children.”

If that will save $17k, think how much it will save to move Melania down to the White House and cutting out weekend trips to Florida!

Eggs or go home bitches. And memo to the Reeses conglomerate: ditch those nasty Christmas trees. The peanut butter to chocolate ration is wrong, like a dog peed on the tree wrong.

This was actually a thing...that existed

This will never not be relevant.

Is starting WWIII against Twitter’s TOS? Like, that has to be a bannable offense, right?

One woman said six pairs of her underwear were stolen from a dresser drawer.

I don’t think you’re an idiot or an asshole, but I honestly wonder, Where would you go?

Personally, I was more amused by the “[The military] has done a job as usual” sentence. Dunno if it was a typo by Stassa or what he actually said, but I find it funny nonetheless. The military didn’t do a great job or a terrible job, they just did A job. As usual. Because every other industry just sits on their asses

According to a statement from the Pentagon, the bomb was the “right munition” for targeting ISIS.

It’s true. But could we please, pleeeeaaasse hear some voices from the Democratic Party who are not Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer? I’m sure there’s one or two people from, ya know, other districts who might own tongues & have something to say. Dems continue to front the Usual Bogeys, making the GOP’s job so much

Every morning when I wake up and check my Twitter feed and see that this piggy-eyed weasel fucker hasn’t died during the night, I’m so immensely disappointed with the universe.

Holding people hostage.