If Sega releases a Yakuza 7 or a City Hunter game, looks like there will be a Shinjuku area.
The problem is when you bump into one of the waitresses they all go flying everywhere.
Seriously? No onion rings? Come on.
That’s what happens with all male celebrities
“It’s OVER 8000!!!!!”
Only way to get the industry to make any positive change so that it doesn’t have to be a burden to work in is through collective actions like these.
I thought so, too, but he was watching one of those incest pornos, wasn’t he? That seems normal these days because of Trump but it’s not.
The dude that had no idea that nazis were bad is using the n-word casually? You don’t say. I wonder how many YouTube personalities will rally to him this time? And I wonder if they’re rallying because they have the same beliefs as this racist that claims he isn’t?
“Secret of Man?” In didn’t know they made a game called that.
Fuck all those games...
Ok. i realize Chicago didn’t go smoothly.
They should never have put all their eggs in one basket. Just hold multiple events, spread the crowds a bit. Not like it’s difficult to finance when you know you can put 10.000 people at any spot at any time just for a few rare Pokemon.
If Niantic are responsible for this event, then it is their responsibility, by definition. You don’t plan an event like this and charge admission without being damn sure that what you’re promising is possible, especially since, as you say, US carriers are infamous for not being able to provide such service. That…
Has anybody seen Ja Rule?
It’s very clearly a METAL slime. Those f$#<ers
When did Robert Forster and Alfred Molina have a baby?
“Worst administrator in Waco history” is a hell of a title.