April 2011:
“I think he feels very confident that what will ultimately come of this will vindicate him.”
I like how you he equates CEO optimism with an across the board boost in morale. “Guys, I can’t wait to go to my abusive minimum wage retail job where I am forced to shove credit cards down people’s throats because our CEO is looking forward to scoring a new yacht for his island.”
I hate male junk in my inbox too.
yes duh
I got one and (tried to) used the app... it was terrible (it would not keep connection) so I stopped using it. Now I am debating whether to submit a claim... should I?
This is silly. All they’ll have to do is turn over their phones and passwords, explain their political views, show all of their social media posts and follows, answer questions about their religion, win two out of three games of speed chess, describe Joni Mitchell’s hometown, and sit in a windowless room for 11 hours…
You’re a brave soul
Trump is basically trying to gaslight the entire country.
I would give you more stars if I could. Possibly my favorite A-Rod story
It’s not legally blind if it’s correctable. I’m -10.5 in one eye and -9.25 in the other eye and am still unable to take thst tax deduction.
This is the most rational explanation. Unfortunately the Illuminati has covered it up all these years.
Is he the one with the herp or is that Jeter?
That’s such a lazy joke, if we can even call it that. I’m in camp If You’re Gonna Be Offensive, At Least Make A Joke That Isn’t Also More Than 100 Years Old. My camp also needs a better name.
(scroll down)
-genous That We Look a Lot the Same.’
In fairness, the dictionary is doing what it’s supposed to do. Schooling people.