I got in a chemtrail fight the other day. Dude told me, in a super condescending way, that I should “do research” before I have an opinion. I should have just lied and said “yeah I TOTALLY believe chemtrails are real.” He also called me crazy for not being anti-vax. He treated me like I was an idiot. Anyway, I kinda…
Restaurant play centers seem to bring out the worst in people. I almost got in a fist fight at Chic-Fil-A because someone got mad that my son knocked their daughter down (it was an accident; I saw it and he apologized immediately without being told to do so). He was so irate about it and I just wanted to clock him.
Write down what you want. Do you want a door from the garage into gthe house? mudroom? Coat closet near the front door? Are schools important? What do you love about where you live now, and what do you hate? What are you willing to replace? (like carpet.) And I know thy will say the average American lves in their…
Express is a free paper put out by the Washington Post, and in yesterday’s Blog Log (which is basically printed tweets), there was Ginger Is A Construct !
This week I almost killed a man who called my daughter a “stupid little kid”. His toddler had climbed into the McDs play structure and wouldn’t come back down and asked my kid to get his daughter down and she couldn’t because she couldn’t speak and I even explained to him that she couldn’t speak and then he did that.
If you’re not screaming “FUCK!”, you’re not paying attention.
God, I adore smart comments like this.
I can trust you, 32_Footsteps. I can trust you.
OMG Melissa McCarthy in a bunny suit. God, please let this happen.
The same people who knew that healthcare could be so complicated?
Why do I feel like that’s deliberate? As in, Pence will become our president and get credit for “integrity” and “rebuilding from the ashes”
No means yes. Up means down. I’ll discuss my tax returns on Thursday means see you, suckas!
So our AG committed perjury during his appointment hearing?
Such a heartening sign when the future attorney-general lies under oath.
“It’s just the way that it goes sometimes, and it’s sad.”