
Aaaaand this is exactly why undocumented people don’t report crimes, whether they are the victim or a witness or have some other relevant information. The people who instigate these raids are idiots, making it a hundred times harder to fight real crime. Also, how fucking cruel!

It’s just a flat image. It rarely needs updating.

A “family source” told Us Weekly that Melania Trump is “unhappy with how her life ended up” and “miserable.”

Puzder is reportedly “very tired of the abuse...”

This is exactly why I get in so many fights with people that claim Hinkie is a genius and the Sixers shouldn’t have fired him. Even if “The Process” was the right approach, the execution was absolutely terrible. The list of players that could have been had instead of MKG, Okafor, Noel, etc. is embarrassing. Of all of

Yeah and it isn’t cute. I mean they sacrificed their souls to get good ratings and now that they smell blood they’re calling people out but that’s for ratings too. Thank god the NYT and wapo are doing investigation journalism.

Instead, she got beat down by Matt Lauer, who responded to her usual word soup with, “Kellyanne, that makes no sense.”

Chaffetz is one of the most spineless, worthless, cowardly motherfuckers in the GOP today. He should be ashamed of himself and his weasely face. Ugh.

Good article. Even the most obtuse Trump supporter should be able to rationalize that Russia didn’t seek to influence this election in order to ensure that the strongest candidate won. They wanted (and got) the naive, exploitable guy.

I wonder though, why “Death to Jews” was his go to for “edgy”. He could have gone after Trump, or Brexit, or Europeans, or British people in general as they colonized India once upon a time.

If his point was to show that people will say anything for a bit of money, he could have done it by having them say all sorts of stupid things. The fact that he chose “kill all the jews” shows:

So a dude with more money than most people see in their lives chose to take advantage of economically-disadvantaged individuals for the sake of some anti-Semitic “humor,” and is now surprised that there are consequences that go with that kind of behavior.

Got it.

Having read some of the comments on the previous article

Joe Paterno’s son is already denying he knew anything about this.

You can get hit by them if you aren’t in first, but hey.


I would almost pity 45 if Notorious RBG got a hold of him - she’d put him through the wringer so hard, all the spraytan would come off.

On the flip side, I hope he does somehoe get it into his head to argue before the Supremes.

First they came for our milk, and I did not speak out —

The other lawyers I know have been remarking about how Trump reminds us of that client who’s sure everything will be fine if we would just let him talk directly to the judge and work things out.