
The best NES-era Double Dragon was River City Ransom.

Innocent people’s lives are being ruined for no reason, and you’re whining because you have to suffer the horror of... occasionally being reminded of it by a few headlines?

I made a donation to the ACLU this morning. That was the first political donation I have ever made.

We’ve had comedy of errors, comedy of manners, now we have comedy of the zero sum fallacy. (doesn’t flow off the tongue as well, but give it time)

As foretold by Gary in season 1, Ash will forever be a loser. Doesn’t matter how hard he trains or how strong of a pokemon he captures, he will continue to lose.

No fun allowed in pro smash play.

People keep forgetting smash bros is a party game. If they want things their way, the could try making the project M equivalent of smash wii u

Wasn’t that the entire point behind the Omega stage forms?

“We look to have a great relationship with all countries, ideally, unfortunately that won’t necessarily happen, unfortunately probably won’t happen with many countries, but if we could have as we do with Prime Minister May, and the relationship we’ve all developed, and even the short relationship that we’ve just

We are now the country that knows that it doesn’t know what it’s doing

AND all of us former MA residents who moved to NH to tip the scales for the democrats up here! And because our jobs moved us here but that is BESIDE THE POINT. By the way, is anyone surprised he’s from Worcester? I’m from central MA originally and when I saw this I was like, “of course.”

I would pay some of my hard-earned money to hear that said at a presser in a British accent.

Primeminister May is currently visiting.

“Shia... should I punch a Nazi?”


This is the first, and I’m guessing last, time I have ever said to myself, “Good for you, Shia Labeouf!”

The churches are now going to have to become literal refuges, again. I know the Catholics are ready, now everyone else has to get their asses in gear.