Zeust the Mepsuan

Would Plex / Roku perhaps save any log files that could contain clues? These can typically be found either in an application’s own folder or in /var/log. I wish I could be more helpful since I’m a strong supporter or anyone making the switch to Linux but I don’t have any experience with Plex or Roku.

Yeah I kinda figured that last part too. But having to change my reading habits and enter new online communities can be kind of a roadbump. That’s why I wondered. Anyway thanks!

Sounds interesting, definitely gonna try! Would be an excellent addition to my daily Duolingo habit : )

The way I see it, it seems kind of a vicious circle:

I bought unlocked so maybe that has to do with it. I also had an earlier smartphone which came with a prepaid sim. Never had any phone with a contract.

Actually it's not that often public wifi. I have my home network, then at the university there's Eduroam which is semi-public but still quite secure, and at the workplace there aren't really any untrusted devices on the network either. But you're right about public WiFi being a security risk and I tend to be quite

Smartphones don't necessarily come with data plans. I have a smartphone but no data plan, there are about 3 or 4 places where I go often and they all happen to be places where I have wifi. I find that the portability of the smartphone still heavily benefits me. And sometimes I just use it without internet as a regular

I think I actually have more direct human interaction thanks to the internet. In real life I used to be insanely shy, but on the internet I could comfortably interact with people (mostly strangers like here on Kinja). It has been an experimenting ground that may have heavily reduced my IRL shyness as well. Now I have

I've had one track stuck in my head for almost a week now and I gotta say it's not all bad. Is that kinda the same thing?

The problem is that it's easy to underestimate someone's poverty if they have something nice. I also once found myself guilty of thinking "Wow, a majority of Africans has a phone? Guess it's not that bad there after all." Thank you for this excellent piece on how wrong that is.

"Enjoy living in your little cardboard fantasy of niceness and goodness while the bodies pile up around you"

Holy crap, when I read "maximum hydration protocol" I expected something with a watergun, but this? Though it does make for an excellent story. Was it worth it?

To me, cooked sorta appears to imply boiled, or at least I often confuse the two. So then there appear to be two options: hardboiled and softboiled. Baked, scrambled etc. eggs seem like a different category. It's probably because the words for cook and boil are identical in my native language.

Is the Gizmodo staff mostly located at the fourth floor? Or do you really have such a big share of slow walkers?

Actually it still serves a purpose as a pretentious status symbol. But no, it no longer serves its original purpose of telling time.

I'm always disappointed when these deals are only on American Amazon and not on the European ones. Why don't they have the same deals worldwide?

I'm always disappointed when these deals are only on American Amazon and not on the European ones. Why don't they

Actually it's a Celeron, not Atom.

Actually it's a Celeron, not Atom.

That kind of office would be my ideal, though it might be troublesome if you have stuff tied to a particular desk. But if you have everything on your laptop or in the cloud then it's perfect.

That kind of office would be my ideal, though it might be troublesome if you have stuff tied to a particular desk.

I once heard that many standing desks are actually convertible. I'd personally alternate between standing and sitting every one or two hours if I had one. And I think that's what the human body was actually made for and what's best for me.

I once heard that many standing desks are actually convertible. I'd personally alternate between standing and