"The mouth-breathing asshole or assholes behind this deserve a reluctant congrats: A+ trolling job"
"The mouth-breathing asshole or assholes behind this deserve a reluctant congrats: A+ trolling job"
Maybe go back to the approved commenter times. Or at least for burner accounts. Non-burner accounts and accounts with a big enough commenting history should be approved by default. New burner accounts should get the choice: either let Kinja register your IP (and risk an IP ban if you misbehave), or not get any of your…
If you can find it, that is. I googled to see if there would be enough on it that I don't already know by heart, but couldn't find a readable image or text representation. Hope you have more luck.
Sounds like the backup copy of the previous version of the file that some text editors automatically make (if you leave them with their default configuration). Some people may not even be aware that their text editor does this. But yeah, when this happens to a PHP file on a server containing sensitive code -…
"In conclusion: Show us your legs."
"lack of pirates doesn't cause global warming"
Don't know how common the bias is, just that it isn't really justified. At least in the Netherlands, the people who have to commute far are typically (way) too early, and the people who live close by are typically the late ones. Maybe it has to do with overestimating commute time while underestimating the time from…
Still, no matter how well you think you've tested your algorithms, you can't always be sure your algorithm checks for all the patterns you want to find. For example, if you're trying to interpret human language, there may be lots of ways to say the same thing and you can never be sure your algorithm covers all of…
Apparently you missed a buzzword you're using yourself.
Big data does have some distinct properties though. For example, small data can be analysed manually while big data can only be reasonably analysed in a fully automated way. This also makes it harder to test if your analysis tools are missing anything.
I sometimes do this, but not in crowded areas and I alternate my eye time between the road and the screen every one or two seconds. I still find myself a lot less aware of my surroundings than when not holding a screen in front of me.
I think he explained the crap out of it.
I think it's a matter of attention span. The game itself doesn't get progressively harder as far as I've noticed, but one distraction and you're gone.
Fake but worth watching nonetheless:
I played it in the form of Pokémon Diamond when I was a kid, and I really liked it despite the crappy translation. It should be noted that I probably would have liked pretty much any game back then, but this game still holds a special place for me.
Exactly what I was thinking. If you can play Flappy Bird for 20 minutes without throwing the phone against the wall then either you're good at Flappy Bird or you have a respectable amount of self-control. I think that self-control is what they want to test.
I have a new favourite gif, thanks!
The second screenscreen probably makes sense for certain multiplayer games where you want to hide stuff from your fellow players, and for certain puzzle games which benefit from a touchscreen. For most other games it's probably a gimmick that's best left unused, and I agree with you that it's good that Nintendo…
I one saw an ad for "a really ugly gnome"on the Dutch equivalent of Craigslist. It was obviously a joke and the guy who was on sale approved, or at least it appeared so to me. It was harmless because it was on a site where you're not obliged to actually sell what you advertise. It seems really stupid to do this kind…
Technically not a phone, but I once repaired my Nexus 7 after I dropped it. A connector from the power and volume buttons had been disconnected, I used a toothpick to put it back in place without having to touch any delicate parts with my potentially charged fingers. Not exactly an impressively difficult fix, but I…