So now those employees he was mocking off are paying for his welfare, oh the sweet irony.
So now those employees he was mocking off are paying for his welfare, oh the sweet irony.
It’s not his office anymore – his landlord has evicted him, and the NY Bar is investigating him for formal discipline – oh, wait – it looks like he’s going to lose his entire license - LOL
Maybe he only gets any if he asks for it in Spanish.
So wait, you act like a dick and then you get free tacos? This seems to be poorly thought out.
In a creative bit of positive revenge, some comeuppance is headed toward asshole racist lawyer (a TV show we would…
Jesus couch-fucking Christ. I don’t even know where to start on the ways that this story is fucked up, so I’m going to let the juvenile part of my mind giggle perversely at the fact that a prosecutor involved in a sexual relationship with a judge was named ‘Morehead’. Because of course she was.
Even though they are busy serving as bouncers at Starbucks, crashing black cookouts and shooting black people in the…
After screenshots of blog posts by Joy Reid surfaced last week, everyone, including me, shot the MSNBC host a…
This is classic furry passive aggressive speciesism (if you’ve ever been around furries, which I have for good and bad - they’re a constant source of amusing drama, but there are hygiene and money issues).
Not only is there actual research on that, but that’s both how & why Faux Noise was created - and why I am more than a little spooked by this mandatory thing Sinclair Broadcasting is trying to impose as well as why I am more than a little bit freaked out that Ajit Pai doctored the books to permit the merger that’s…
I finally snapped at my Conservative family and just shouted “What the FUCK are so afraid of?” during one of our rounds of political arguments.
This is exactly why Fox News exists. Create fear in white people and you create Republicans. I’ve watched that fear turn the rational people I grew up with into Trump supporting idiots. All it took was 25 years of Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.
Well, considering how obsessed conservative men are with proving to everyone how manly and tough they are, while demeaning any liberal for being weak, cowardly, or womanly, it makes perfect sense that they are just projecting their own cowardice outward.
The most obvious answer when attempting to find the root cause for certain Americans being so obsessed with guns is…
I comment a lot on my representative’s tweets and there are a few other “constituents” commenting who are clearly foreign people or bots. They have super generic looking photos (my favorite is of a young woman smiling in a red white and blue cowboy hat) and never actually comment on whatever the rep’s tweet is about.…
you did that on porpoise!
Shouldn't that be 'Fishandry'?