No big name manufacturers have adopted the PixelQI screen either, but it's still an awesome killer feature on my Notion Ink Adam.
No big name manufacturers have adopted the PixelQI screen either, but it's still an awesome killer feature on my Notion Ink Adam.
Computer screens are also built around this 3 color paradigm. If you were to develop a fourth kind of cone your computer screen would probably look all weird as a result. Be glad you only have 3 cones so you can look at a screen and everything looks realistic.
I see what you did there.
You seem to ignore the difference between people who look down on Apple and those who look down on Apple-users. Personally I boycott Apple partly because I disagree with the patentability of their patents, partly because I want full control over my phone (including the possibility to install homemade apps without a…
How bout that radio guy who predicts a new apocalypse every time his old one does not happen? He has definitely lost his credibility.
I don't think a BB phone would be much better than my low-end Android phone but it probably ain't any worse either (unless it's one of those phones without a decently sized touchscreen). I'd probably take it if it were free.
What's with all the paginated articles all of a sudden? The first one at least provided a link to a single page version because he hates pagination himself, but with all articles after that there is no escaping it. Please change it back this is annoying because my browser has a considerate load time for every list…
Another happy Mint user here!
Actually DC is transferred more efficiently than AC when the same voltage levels are used. The difference is way smaller than the difference between voltage levels and for middle-long distances the saving is smaller than the loss in converting to AC so it can be transformed to a different voltage level. However for…
Ok maybe I put it wrong and zero divided by zero is a better description. Or maybe infinity times one over infinity, or one over zero times one over infinity. But actually those are all the same since zero is basically the same as one over infinity (and infinity is the same as one over zero). So no, zero times…
Gravity IS the mass of two objects attracting each other, you just have to take into account that what we usually call mass is actually rest mass and the mass of an object is bigger when said object is moving. In fact, the mass/restmass ratio approaches infinity as the velocity of the object approaches the speed of…
Depends. If you have so greasy fingers the patrern is left on the screen as grease and you don't do enough other dragging/swiping actions to obfuscate it it is very insecure because someone can guess your pattern just by looking at the screen. But if your screen is either clean or has so many grease patterns that it's…
It might indeed be a good idea to allow apps to present ore information on the lockscreen, but making it interactive and functional to the point where you hardly ever have to unlock your phone seems a bad idea to me. It means people who don't have your unlock passcode can do a lot of things with your phone, and even…
Makes me glad to live in Europe.
Thought the exact same, though I believe it was later kind of reinvented in America. I believe American pizzas have a thicker base and come in more (and particularly more meaty) flavors. So in some way the kind of pizza that is probably common in America (I'm not sure, living in the Netherlands) is sort of an American…
"Note: a rectangle is just the obvious shape for an invitation"
This is like a smartwatch you can only wear in the winter and only when it is not being washed. I think I would rather have a reconfigurable shirt/sweater with an e-ink display covering a large area in the front.
You're mentioning that FB fixed the issue; does that mean they somehow found a way to detect this kind of spoofing? Or did they just 'fix' it by disabling the feature altogether?