Zeust the Mepsuan

In my experience Ubuntu and Ubuntu-based distributions notify you of any available drivers first time you boot and connect to the internet (after the installation) so it's not hard to do yourself at all, as a semi-exerienced user I would not pay a single dollar premium for it. But maybe this is different for someone

I've never owned a Dell so I don't know if they add bloatware or not, and I hear varying sounds about this from other commenters replying to my post.

I believe a lot of Windows computers come with a lot of preinstalled bloatware/crapware and the makers of that software sponsor the computer a little bit. Maybe the discounts resulting from all that crapware exceeds the price Dell pays for a Windows license.

So true. Even though these things sum up to only $10 million, people who buy all this are likely to find a way to spend the remaining $540 within a year as well.

I usually tend to like anything Gizmodo writers call ugly but I have to agree with you on this one.

How about riding a bicycle? How fast should I bike before it makes me die sooner? And how loing distances?

Me2. I thought we didn't acknowledge software patents but apparently I was wrong. And the politicians don't seem to care (except for the pirate party but they don't have a single seat in the parliament).

So if I'm right it will be like autocomplete, but creepier. Sounds great.

You can make phonecalls again after you remove remotely identifiable traces of the original owner from the phone (mainly the simcard I think), and then those calls will no longer be tied to the phone number the phone had when it was stolen. If the thief is skilled he will probably also manage to disable find my phone

Do people even know at what time their phone got stolen?

Of course it is a good thing to recycle shredded paper, just as long as it is PROPERLY shredded to the point where it can not be read anymore and is near-impossible to reconstruct. Seriously even if the paper is not recycled I'd still say the police need a better shredder.

"Or, tell us why you don't wish to apply for this job."

It's not just motorcycles which are required to have a deliberately wrong speedometer, cars too (at least here in the Netherlands). I think the idea is that people tend to drive too fast so to make them drive the right speed they have to think they're going faster. However as someone who does not have a tendency

If you replace that dumbphone with an iPhone and assume the pictures will be transferred wirelessly this mockup could be pretty accurate. Though I personally think the phone will be taped to the back rather than the side.

You sir made my day.

The image you used suggests this is about Palm, only when reading the article I found out it was about some other company HP took over.

You can usually get some techies aboard if you have some unique feature, because tech blogs will be likely to give it coverage. The PixelQI screen is the feature which drew me to NI's first Adam tablet, and is very nice indeed. Sadly the software is really bad (the best available is an ICS rom which is still in

Here's what I know:

I think the problem with driverless cars is they can drive perfectly safe as long as other cars act as expected (for example because they're driverless too), but as soon as a human-driven car does something unexpected it will be very hard to make the driverless car react appropriately. There are just too many