Zeust the Mepsuan

You know Samsung will not stop patent trolling Apple until Apple stops patent trolling Samsung. It's that simple and I (and probably any of you) would do the same thing.

Is it also touch-sensitive? Otherwise I see this thing more of an annoyance than something useful since you can't control what you're doing.

Not surprising. Sometimes it's hard to form an opinion and you're seriously in doubt, if at that moment you see a flood of other peoples' opinions and they all agree with each other, you tend to agree with them and think they're right, even if after thinking for hours and hours without seeing their opinions would

Getting personalized ads based on which sites I frequent or what google searches I do is one thing, but it gets creepy when someone is tracking exactly which articles I read and which search results I click. (Though, admittedly, I sometimes don't click a link because I can't rule out this possibility, don't want to be

Or they should finally make Alien Dalvik for WebOS. I guess with the ability to run Android apps WebOS would be a killer platform.

They could incorporate the phone as a measurement device. Of course a hacker could modify his phone to report that it never actually receives any packets. Free data :D

I've never viewed Google Glasses as ugly or a bad idea, but what I really crave is Ubuntu for Eyewear. Too bad that was just an April fools joke :(

"Apple launched the iPhone in January of 2007."

I thought the Netherlands don't acknowledge software patents like these (and rightfullu so). Am I wrong here?

Does Google keep cached copies of downloadable files? If so these takedown notices may not be as useless as you think.

The ads themselves wouldn't be a big deal to me. The added battery drain on the other hand... Unless, of course, Amazon has implemented the ads in a smarter / more efficient way than ad-supported apps so that they don't significantly drain the battery.

They are in one position when observed. Maybe if you observe them really rapidly they will move in a circular or elliptic orbit after all, or they just stay in one position or move randomly. No one really knows because we have never been able to observe them rapidly enpugh to draw conclusions.

Sounds like the Raspberry Pi, except for the "computing power greater than today's top end computers" part (and it does not yet include a battery). I think I know who's gonna make the future now :)

Though it does not look bad, I'm sure a handlebar peripheral like the one on Project Fiona would fit better in the hand.

I need a refeesh of memory, what open-source project did Google sue?

Skeuomorphism anyone?

And Avant window Navigator, and Gnome Do Docky, and another dock for Linux whose name I have forgotten. And of course openbox, a full desktop experience which includes a dock by default. I believe all of them can be themed to look exactly like the OSX dock and some even have a default theme which comes almost as

This video made my day ROFL

Finally got the image working :D

The Siemens A52 (hope the image shows up). Pretty much the only dumbphone I ever had, I must have had it for almost a decade. It is still working, with over half a week of battery life - quite impressive considering in that decade I never bought a new battery for the thing. The menus were really intuitive and the