
Gross. You are literally participating in a textbook smear campaign of someone who seemed genuine by assuming a political motiviation. Think about it. Our moral threshold is determined by ourselves, not the actions of anyone else. Whataboutism is a cancer.

Yeah, that’s not what I’m saying. That literally only extends to actual crimes. Since public office is much more subjective we should take our time and be clear, so if he does need to resign it isn’t based on a gut reaction to clarify how we will respond to things like this going forward. Establish a clean precedent

Those seem to be reasonable points. I didn’t mean to downplay the grossness of the kiss. It seems like maybe the whole damn tipping point was writing a kiss without asking if they’d be ok with that. Easy hurdle that is very strange to not clear.

He should be held accountable, is forcing his immediate resignation the only acceptable act of being held accountable? It seems we’ve jumped to that being the only solution, and while it should be on the table don’t we owe it to have a clear process of weighing the accusation and determining the relative punishment.

Full disclosure, I’m a dude. Help me here:

Just a quick clarification, it looks like he’s given more than a quarter of a million dollars. Still influential, just an important distinction, as he would be one of the most powerful donors in politics if he was upwards of $250million.

Getting the coffee grounds out when I use my refillable one was a nightmare, the Keurig didn’t want to stay shut, and I ended up with grounds in my coffee. Do you have a recommendation for which refillable ones you use?

A friend suggested I start giving the middle finger, palm out. People really don’t know how to feel about it.

Just an FYI, Whites were 72.4% in the 2010 census, but that includes everyone on hispanic origin because it isn’t consider a race. If you adjust for that White, non-hispanic is about 63%.

Read below, but my experience is that these organizations provide a framework that can be built on as they go through a painful rehab process that is ongoing. But that the framework that exists is an incredibly powerful thing to throw away. My anecdotal evidence is based on visits to fraternities at 2 Big 12 schools,

I find with context (I watched that video), it’s less subjective than your comment lets on.

I thought you were a random commenter at first being super dramatic until I checked back on your name.

They have the #1 sports podcast.

Dude, look at the world you live in. Look at the world when D’s controlled all of Government v. when R’s did. The whole both sides are the same fallacy is ridiculous. Imperfect Hillary v. a literal madman threatening to pull hurricane relief from Americans because he felt offended.

A bunch of other people have explained this, but I literally do this for a living and the answers are 100% spot on. Sometimes we spend as much time figuring out how to simply complicated things as we do actually performing the analysis.

The only way for a man to get screwed over here based on an accusation is if his boss is actually a 100% Social Justice Warrior, try-hard desperate to virtue signal**

Are you one of my groomsmen?

Totally fair that you feel that way, but if you just follow the stars and comments I think you’ll find that most of the readership appreciates being kept appraised of the idiot in chief by writers that they enjoy reading.

Demitri Martin has a great joke about how you don’t actually have to hustle across the street when you’re in the crosswalk, just kind of move your arms like you’re jogging and everyone appreciates the effort.