Driving from Grand Teton to the Badlands pulling a little jayco popup camper, and I just told my GPS, “Badland National Park”. That ends up being like 65 miles of dirt roads with a small town on a reservation if you need to stop.
Driving from Grand Teton to the Badlands pulling a little jayco popup camper, and I just told my GPS, “Badland National Park”. That ends up being like 65 miles of dirt roads with a small town on a reservation if you need to stop.
Here’s a little ditty...
I was just suggesting something along these lines. In the 2nd or 3rd to last episode we see Dany, Jon and all other main characters killed. However, baby D-Jon-y sails away on the last greyjoy boat with the Hound and Brienne and dragon eggs. Final episode is him riding a dragon in a final battle with the night…
Yeaahhhhh, screwed the pooch on that bad boy for sure.
What do Iowa and Iowa State fans have in common? Neither went to Iowa State! That’s why our fans are so loyal to our sad-sack team. Plus we don’t take ourselves so seriously!
Iowa State ranked 25 would be like a viagra aersol being sprayed on Des Moines.
I spent a week crossing Siciliy and this doesn’t seem true at all.
Have any of you guys been following the 17776 piece written by Jon Bois on SBNation?
I feel bad for the 2006 Denver/Bouldering/Craft beer guy, whose entire existence and location are now overrun.
I actually explained what this podcast was, who all these people were and the context to someone who just didn’t care so I could point out that perfect example of “willful liberal naiviety”. It infuriated me so much it surprised me.
I keep recommending The Hike to people, but when they aren’t finished in like 3 days (or even started) I get so mad! Yet, I haven’t read a book recommended to me by a friend in like 3 years. I see nothing wrong with this.
I was looking for this response. The cult of entrepenuership seems to have no basis in documented reality of how technological advancement occurred.
I keep explaining to my wife we need to make an effort to get to know our neighbors, be really friendly and build a rapport.
Yup, I’m just doing basic math for camotoy above.
2,400 hours / 52 weeks = 46 hours per week.
The naked guy and dead shark still look like they’d smell better than a Jimmy John’s biker delivery guy.
Places to drink ranked:
Founder of Jimmy John’s, who is an avid big game Hunter.
Jesus, let’s get this to the top.
I’m not sure this guy is the same as the mountain climbing tourists you’re thinking of.