
Welcome Iowa State lurkers who normally have nothing sports related to contribute! It’s our 30 seconds to shine!

I’m on vacation and my wife is encouraging me to disconnect from the news. I can’t do it. It’s bad and getting worse. For the first time in my life I feel a fraction of the constant anxiety that others have lived with their whole lives. Fuck the NFL, I was only ever in it for the dips.

I got a sudden urge to shit once on a hike in Glacier National Park. I was at the end of a 2 or 3 mile trail, so I told my dad and little brother to catch me at the lodge and took off. I made it about a mile, realized I’d done as much as I could, leaned against a tree and dropped a massive log.

Fun fact, Perry Ellis was recruited for a scholarship after James Naismath noted a tall brick worker who would be perfect for his new game building this very dorm.

It’s a Nazi. You might think I’m joking, but I’m not.

This guy posted a video of a Nazi getting punched in the face. The joke was the Nazi was the one making this comment. So he set up a joke that implies Nazi’s are the ones complaining about how Deadspin has political coverage.

The bar isn’t set very high for professional sports teams to be good corporate and social citizens, but the NBA has been leaping over it with some of these anecdotes lately.

Bad take! If any argument you make hinges on an over-simplification like this you aren’t doing yourself any favors.

I also recently made my 10 week pregnant wife puke because of the smell of my poop. Feels like we should start a club.

He was not. I don’t know how to embed a tweet, but a reporter I follow noted it.

Obviously I know that, but not this guy, who has the worst lawyers.

His biggest mistake is assuming maritime law dictated behavior on airplanes. For example, any sort of chanting is considered a legal argument on the seas.

I hated TFA and LOVED Rogue One. Isn’t subjectivity weird?

Place Beyond The Pines. If someone asked me, I’d say I really enjoyed it, that it was dark and intersting.

I didn’t see this laid out in a lot of detail, but keeping a warm sleeping bag and some snacks in your car. Worse case scenario you can be stuck in a ditch. A 10 degree sleeping bag will do most of the work instead of you trying to run your car for warmth. Crack the windows!

Re: catching the rabbit. My 45 lb mutt caught a fawn a few weeks ago and bit into his leg pretty bad. My wife and I intervened and got him away from the deer which took off (limping badly). I still contend we should have let him finish it off, because it is humane, but she argues that letting him finish the job on

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Parks and Rec whole heartedly agrees with your burger take.

Anyone have any DIY experience? I’m really struggling with how legit I want to go on an attic bathroom renovation. (get all the permits v. do it all myself and hide my lazy but not dangerous handiwork behind drywall)

I scrolled past this and it hit me about two seconds later and I had to come back. +1.

My wife has one and I really enjoy driving it. It also has an infotainment system that I thought I was going to hate but learned quickly and now think it is one of the best features.