If your dad is a white man, I do believe that we need to hear some recordings of this behavior. Though what I’m imagining is probably even more hilarious than the reality.
If your dad is a white man, I do believe that we need to hear some recordings of this behavior. Though what I’m imagining is probably even more hilarious than the reality.
Endless screaming would be appropriate.
What does he do at a buffet then?
My dad “accidentally” uses the accent of the culture whose food we are eating at a restaurant. Indian, Mexican, Vietnamese. And that’s less embarrassing than this loss.
Looks like we’re gonna have another player retire at half time.
We played their club in rugby once or twice, and they were cool dudes.
I also earned an M.A. at ODU. My undergrad, however, is from ECU, who ODU plays next week. I’ve never rooted for ODU athletics; my emotional connection to ECU is much stronger since I was a student-athlete (swimmer) there, as was my wife. But given the way ECU has played the last few years, my football allegiance is…
This eight-year graduate of Ohio University salutes you.
I don’t think anyone is going to give you shit for being a bandwagon fan if you start rooting for ODU.
I went there from 84-86. Can I join you?
[Googling “Alabama online MBA program”].
One more win for hindsight. 51-50
Quite the coincidence, what with the Orioles sitting just this side of 1-81.
Wrong highway, hon
I kind of thought the same thing. Of course, I didn’t bother to read it.
As well as an assignment.
No no no, you gotta give Trump voters some credit here. They really are this stupid.
It’s strange, but half of these read like they were badly translated from some other language. Like, I dunno, Russian or something.
I had to stop about halfway through because it’s just a repetition of Fox News talking points and flat out lies. It’s hard to take the “other side” seriously when they believe things like “Trump got 60% of the vote.” Sigh.
It’s true, Albert, you really are the price of shot.