I didn’t know Jim Spanfeller ran baseball too.
I didn’t know Jim Spanfeller ran baseball too.
This was epic. Max is the man for pitching with so much emotion and competing his ass off every single time he takes the mound. His give-a-shit meter is off the charts. We’re so lucky to have this dude in our lives.
Fun reminder, Tomsula had a better record with the Niners than Chip Kelly.
Agreed, he most definitely IS worth a shit.
Let’s be clear, we all know on the list of Tebow’s skills “not fucking” is well above “sports.”
Unfortunately, research is showing us that Football is detrimental to your health even before you make a single dime. Like, High School early:
I hope that NFL players take note of the lack of empathy people have shown Andrew Luck during this entire process. Don’t feel guilty about hold-outs for more money. Get as much money as you can and get the hell out before it becomes a detriment to your health.
They worship gas station food.
Whoa whoa whoa, slow down there buddy! Nobody’s suggesting actual on-field results should matter at all in sports. That would be insane!
The fridge also gazes into you.
And The Twelves still don’t know what to do with those tossed salads and scrambled eggs.
The salary midpoint (from which the floor and ceiling are determined) is the players share (50% currently) of all Hockey Related Revenue from the previous season - divided by the number of teams of course. This is optionally inflated by up to 5% at the players discretion, with a certain percentage of their salaries…
Double-A Harrisburg, where Rosenthal has been pitching since May 11
What goes through the mind of a batter here? I’m assuming thought one is “probably don’t swing” but thought two must be “I’m going to die.”
“It’s a shame what these deaths are going to do for the sales of Clif Bars”
“Still won't be as bad as Boston fans/reporters" --Chernobyl, Episode 5