
Seeing as it was a Boston fan, I'm going to take a confident stab at the identity of the victim:

Especially in front!



Hitler, on Jews: "Hate them."

"Fucking hell, Joseph Heller. I've seen heavy-handed, but this: Yossarian must recognize the chaos of war and the paradoxes of military service in the viscera of another man? I of course know the novel is important, but Christ, how the hell am I supposed to write a term paper about this?"

[Reads headline]

While I normally rail against the vileness of Christianity, I have to point out that this is disingenuous. The majority of what we think of as Christianity wasn't solidified until the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. Prior to that, 'christianity' was a collection of warring cults that both ran the total gambit of potential

I'll believe it when I see it, frankly; I'd call the Garden staying more likely than not. But boy, I would love to see that piece of shit razed to the ground. Sorry Spike.

I always wondered what Harrison Ford would look like in a cheesy early 90's FMV CD-ROM game.

Give us your children!

No. Terrible.

They didn't replay anything. The American League president overruled the umpires, and said that Brett's home run counts. Because of that, the game wasn't over: the Royals had only two outs, and the Yankees, now losing, would come to bat in the bottom of the 9th. The game was later resumed at that point. Not much

Yup. So nowadays when someone suggests a game be re-evaluated or re-scored and then re-played at a later date and everybody loses their mind and starts screaming about "Dangerous precedents" and "Oh, GOD no, that cannot be allowed!!!" remember this game. When they actually took the time to get it right.

oh yeah, and Billy Martin wasn't done, he had his pitcher throw to each base claiming that Brett had not touched the base, but the umpire crew, who was different than who called the game earlier, was ready for it and had sworn statements from the previous crew stating that Brett had touched each bag. he also played a

To be fair, they didn't "replay" any part of it. They just finished it from that point forward.

It's not the majors, but the longest game ever played was picked back up weeks later: