
I was wondering the same thing. I found this nice list with pics of the characters.

Most of Ratatouille did not have strong French accents - he was Mustafa, one of the kitchen workers. In Brave, he’s the guard who announces the clans’ arrive.

Now playing

His best cameo will always be as The Underminer:

I feel like ‘we’ just had one of these movie-hungry articles(?), so at the risk of sounding like a broken record... Tampopo.

It’s not so much that all nutrition studies are wrong and really more that:

“When they came for the ‘Cats’ VFX artists I did not speak up, for I was not a ‘Cats’ VFX artist.”

I don’t know who to blame for Cats other than whoever it was who decided that audiences would have absolutely no ability to suspend disbelief about humans using costumes, makeup and performance ability to convincingly play magical cats. So in that way, I kinda empathise with the above statement about how the VFX

To be fair, it’s hard to make a good comedy anything. Most comedy movies, sitcoms, plays, light operas, sketch shows, standup routines, novels, comic books and strips, satire news stories, and twitter memes are not funny.

Portal is a pretty hilarious game.

How dare you have a moderate and reasonable opinion!


Joker is a fine movie. It’s fine! It’s not clever or original or anything like that; it’s full of POINTLESS Batman scenes; it’s definitely not a best picture contender but Wacky Phoenix is a very good actingman and I enjoyed watching him do an acting for a

The OT hangs together waaaaaaay better than it should despite the lack of planning. But I think a huge part of that was Lucas having this universe in his head. Yeah, stuff got tweaked majorly throughout, but it all stemmed from Lucas.

This new trilogy stemmed from no one.

I just really really hate planet killing superweapons.

Just let it be a fuckhuge fleet. That’s good enough! (make all the troops and crews clones) So we don’t have to wonder where they come from.

Honestly if they just stuck with the idea that her parents were nobodies it would have made it so much better. 

That changing of Rey’s parentage really frustrated me to no end, especially because it really made me appreciate the TLJ’s approach. There’s something awesome about this concept that someone will be there to rise up, no matter what their background, only to ignore it because it has to be about destinies and

Hot take: everyone has been taking Star Wars way way way way way more seriously than they should have been since about 1993 at least, if not earlier, and everyone should shut up about it for a few years.

I like Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver a lot, so I assume this trilogy is still better than Lucas’s plan to make the third trilogy about the little creatures that live inside midichlorians.

Support thread for folks who found both Force Awakens and TLJ boring and realized you’ll never love Star Wars as much as you did as a child and that’s ok

I had problems with TLJ, but bringing back ghost robot palpatine is the most boring story to follow up that movie.

I sure this review will be received reasonably and people, regardless of whether or not they agree with it, will debate politely. It’s a good thing Star Wars has never caused people to behave in a disagreeable fashion.