The worst things on the internet in 2019? The same as the worst thing on it since its inception.
The worst things on the internet in 2019? The same as the worst thing on it since its inception.
I wont go to the theater and see it but i'll definitely get stoned at home and take a look at it.
supervillain played by go-to Brit baddie Ben Mendelsohn
I saw Endgame on an airplane. It was an ok movie.
Into the Spider-Verse is the best standalone superhero movie of all time. It’s funny, emotional, deep, heartbreaking, and absolutely fucking gorgeous to watch. I could watch it ten more times
Endgame or The Departed?
Avengers Endgame and Mad Max Fury Road are two of the best cinematic experiences I’ve ever had in my lifetime.
We’ve spent that 10,000 years breeding wheat with higher and higher levels of gluten, though. The wheat of today has several times the gluten that your paleolithic ancestors ate.
I’m fine with gluten, but I do not doubt my friends who tell me it makes them sick, just as they don’t doubt me that milk makes me sick.
Wilson’s work was wonderful and it is sad to think he will be remembered as a “Playboy” footnote. He was the only other cartoonist I can think of to take the Charles Adams torch and really run the distance with it into new terrain.
My opinion if the article, on the whole, notwithstanding; equating the orange idiot to Immortan Joe is spot on, and I don’t know why there aren’t more memes to show this.
I should preface this by saying that I really like Fury Road. I’m a fan of it.
I am a filthy avocado toast eating millennial, and I was floored by Fury Road. I think it’s properly rated, but that any movie with such wide acclaim is going to have some haters, high on their own contrarianism, who call it overrated.
I genuinely believe Moore is being *gentle* on the arrested-development crowd here - he is very capable of being a lot harsher. I suppose being *right* has gentled him down some.
such as?
Or — let me propose a crazy idea here — we could focus on the man’s career since the 1980s and not ask him to weigh in on the same issue every single time one of his old works is adapted. We don’t need to go find a three-year-old interview where he bitches about the comics industry again. We didn’t need to ask him…
Moore’s comments re:Birth of A Nation(1915) seem pretty accurate, prophetic even, considering the final battle sequence from Endgame(2019) is as direct an homage to Birth of a Nation(1915) as you can get
Currently, I’m reading Jerusalem by Moore and at 125 pages into the book, I don’t have the slightest clue what is going on.
I mean, I like a superhero flick as much as the next guy. But I will fully admit that I think his case is pretty inarguable.