
Holy shit! That’s revolting. I’ve never been to Glastonbury. Have you?

Knickers = underwear

Is the mud really made of human shit?!?

Telegraph? Morse code?

I’m don’t know what it means. Enlighten me, please?

I’ve always loved that her name translates (phonetically?) to “shrimp days”.

As in “I’ve got to shit so bad I have a turtle head!”? See also: Crowning

None! I scratched my cornea about two years ago and the opto said I had 20/20 vision (which was a happy surprise). She also said that 99% of astigmatisms are vertical, 1% horiz. I’m a one-percenter!

Do you have a link for the letter? Ragged Claws would like to read it.

I’ll go look for it. Please hold.

You know what else has tiny [hands] despite having a huge head?

It sure was! Empty bottle of booze, a half-filled prescription of ADD meds (Vyvanse?) and soiled knickers. I seem to remember something about new and or/used tampons?

No, you cannot get Lyme from a horsefly. Did she ever say how Bella and Anwar ended up contracting it? I’m near Montecito where she lived with horses after her divorce from Mohammed and no one I know has ever gotten Lyme. I work outdoors year-round doing landscaping, pruning, hauling brush etc. and I’ve never had a

I think she has always used illness as a means to an end (primarily attention and money, money, money). The way she has piggy-backed /coat-tailed or whatever onto her kids’ modeling careers is embarrassing. And the favoritism re Gigi and de udder one (and de udder udder one) is appalling.

There are more than a few sounds that drive me absolutely frothing mad. Off the top of my head and in no particular order:

Anyone want to talk about Yolanda Hadid-Foster-Hadid (aka the Baroness von Munchausen)? Have you read the excerpts from her forthcoming book about her “journey” with de chronic Lyme?

Does anyone else have a horizontal astigmatism (vs. vertical)? I am painfully light sensitive (so much so that I have become almost exclusively nocturnal). My favorite times of day are dawn and dusk. My optometrist said the sensitivity will worsen as I age. Bummer.


Hey, do you still write recaps (if this is the Babylegs I think it is!)?

She’s got gorgeous eyes (minus all the makeup).